I have words of warnings for Seidio products.
First off, unless you HAVE to have the case, wait 6 months. Seidio is notorious for releasing a product when a new phone comes out and then revising it over and over again. I believe there were three versions of the 6700 before they settled on the final one that they then made all of their variants from.
For instance, on the Treo 700wx, I ordered a crystal case right around when they first came out. The crystal case they sent me dis not snap on the phone all the way and my biggest complaint was that the plastic on the front around the keyboard was higher than the keys making it very hard to use the outer edge of keys. I got an RMA on it only for the reason of not snapping on the phone and the swcond one they sent me had the outer lip shaved down so they keys were easily pressable. I did not complain publicly about it so I know they listened to other feedback and changed the case accordingly. so there were at least two different versions of the 700wx case. Also, the second one never snapped on properly either but I simply said F-it and threw it aside. Within the last month (it had been laying around for about 9) I grabbed it and decided to give it another shot - it still did not fit properly. The slide holster, in the little over a month I used it, has also lost the click-hold of half the belt clip.
In the same order, I ordered screen protectors, a 2400mah battery, a battery cover with reset hole and a 3pack of stylus/pen combos. Of that - two of the stylus/pen combos have broken (light useage, the tip protecting the pen end broke), the battery holds just about as much charge as the stock Treo battery, the paint is wearing off in the middle of the battery cover and the screen protectors were wasted because I has to put them on without a card (they do not include one - as an aside the Palm screen protectors do and went on great the first time).
I hate to dog everything Seidio I bought in one post but I've been around a long time. Seidio is very active in the community and tries to fix any problems people have. Typically when they release a new case or something and people start to get them the reaction is 'awesome' followed a few weeks later by the 'well....'
As for me, my one purchase from Seidio will be my last.