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Old 06-26-2009, 11:31 PM
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Where are the icons stored for installed apps?

I have been searching for the location of the actual icon files for my installed apps, namely Google Maps, and Sprint Navigation, by Telenav. I can find all the icons for the items in my start menu in the Windows folder, except for any of the programs I have installed. Google Maps does not have the icon in the Program Files/GoogleMaps folder. My eyes are glazing over, I have been looking at my screen so long. If you know where they are hidden, or their names, that would be awesome.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2009, 02:42 AM
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Re: Where are the icons stored for installed apps?

It probably just uses the icon inside of the exe.
You need a resource explorer to open it up and view it/change it.
Or you can go in the registry to

Then find what program you want.
like you said googlemaps, I have googlemaps.lnk
open that location up.
then you can edit the string inside there named Icon.
It will allow you to point it to the icon you want to use.
for example mine says "\Windows\Start_Icon_GoogleMaps.png"
Make sure to include image's extension (.png)
and not sure if it can be any other type of image,
but just to be safe, I would use png.

Hope that helps haha.
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