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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2009, 11:02 PM
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Angry HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

hey fella's

been browsing the forums for some time now; this is my first thread created

I purchased a Mogul about 6 or 7 months ago; had to ditch my Palm Centro... it kept locking up on me...

All was great for a while; I loved the phone; I loved having WM6.

Well suddenly the phone started to run EXTREMELY slow on a daily basis... I though maybe I just had too much crap on it, so I backed up my contacts, and hard-reset the phone.

I restored my contacts, and then put a few apps back on that I use frequently; Garmin XT, Google Navigator, SMMS, Core Media Player, YouTube player, and iContacts (which I prefer over the WM contacts viewer...)

Here's my 2 main issues I'm having...

1) Ever since the hard reset, the battery life is absolutley HORRIBLE... I use to be able to go a whole day and then some on a full charge; now I find myself needing to plug in half way through the day!

Even though it's a VERY good possibility it's one or more of the apps, that would be strange, because this is the same set of apps I was running before the reset and getting a full day and more out of the charge...

I don't use the phone any more frequent than I use to or anything, so it's not like the screen's staying lit up longer and draining the battery...

2)At least twice a week, the phone will randomly freeze up while plugged in and charging... It can be as it sets on the night stand overnight charging, or it can be as I set the phone down after sending a text... it'll just lock up... you're not able to turn the display back on... if I unplug it, the charge indicator light stays on, and I still cannot do anything... I have to pull the battery to get it to shut off to start it back up...

The only logical explanation I can think of is just that some app on it is causing all the problems; it's just strange that it didn't do it the first time around before the hard reset I checked task manager, but it shows nothing (which I know probably doesn't mean much; I'm learning my way around WM fairly well, and if it's anthing like regular Windows as far as the task manager shows, the fact that it doesn't show anything on the list doesn't mean something's not running, lol)

So I was just curious is maybe it's a common issue with the Mogul? Does anyone thing one of the apps is the culprit? Maybe a combination of 2 or more of those apps?


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

I had a Mogul for almost two years before getting the touch pro, and only had ann issue with data port and had to return it for a new one. you might want to uninstall all your programs and them install them one by one and see which one is culprit if it is a program causing the issue, I always was making my own custom rom a flashhing the phone every few months and only had the stock rom on the first day I had the phone, so dont know how well that rom runs, which is bloated for that phone.

I also want to sell my Mogul, so if it ends up being hardware and they wont replace it, I am selling a just recieved mogul refurbished that I have never used, it still has the plastic on the screen, and I have checked it and it runs fine.

Maybe some of this info will help
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 10:09 PM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

I've had my mogul for over a year now, and mine just started doing the same thing. I've tried uninstalling almost all my apps, but I have not figured out what is causing the problem. Something is eating the memory, I have my available memory set to display on the top bar, and normally I run with around 14-18m free when it starts slowing down the available drops to 3 or 4m and nothing I can do will free it up...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 04:12 AM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

HTC mogul are known to have a memory leak. And yes, some apps can eat your battery faster than normal. I bought extended battery on ebay for $12 which last three times longer than the original battery. I use phoneAlarm Pro to monitor my phone by creating profiles to setting the background settings and other useful- battery & memory features. Keeps my phone running smooth and freeze-free.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2009, 04:28 AM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

Originally Posted by iamsuperbleeder View Post
hey fella's

been browsing the forums for some time now; this is my first thread created

I purchased a Mogul about 6 or 7 months ago; had to ditch my Palm Centro... it kept locking up on me...

All was great for a while; I loved the phone; I loved having WM6.

Well suddenly the phone started to run EXTREMELY slow on a daily basis... I though maybe I just had too much crap on it, so I backed up my contacts, and hard-reset the phone.

I restored my contacts, and then put a few apps back on that I use frequently; Garmin XT, Google Navigator, SMMS, Core Media Player, YouTube player, and iContacts (which I prefer over the WM contacts viewer...)

Here's my 2 main issues I'm having...

1) Ever since the hard reset, the battery life is absolutley HORRIBLE... I use to be able to go a whole day and then some on a full charge; now I find myself needing to plug in half way through the day!

Even though it's a VERY good possibility it's one or more of the apps, that would be strange, because this is the same set of apps I was running before the reset and getting a full day and more out of the charge...

I don't use the phone any more frequent than I use to or anything, so it's not like the screen's staying lit up longer and draining the battery...

2)At least twice a week, the phone will randomly freeze up while plugged in and charging... It can be as it sets on the night stand overnight charging, or it can be as I set the phone down after sending a text... it'll just lock up... you're not able to turn the display back on... if I unplug it, the charge indicator light stays on, and I still cannot do anything... I have to pull the battery to get it to shut off to start it back up...

The only logical explanation I can think of is just that some app on it is causing all the problems; it's just strange that it didn't do it the first time around before the hard reset I checked task manager, but it shows nothing (which I know probably doesn't mean much; I'm learning my way around WM fairly well, and if it's anthing like regular Windows as far as the task manager shows, the fact that it doesn't show anything on the list doesn't mean something's not running, lol)

So I was just curious is maybe it's a common issue with the Mogul? Does anyone thing one of the apps is the culprit? Maybe a combination of 2 or more of those apps?


I've been lucky with my mogul. My girlfriend on the other hand was not so lucky with hers. I've never had a battery problem but after about 11 months, her battery life dwindled. I work alot of hours so decided to upgrade my battery to a 2800 mah. It was the best investment. I never have to worry about my battery life at all. I gave my girlfriend my old battery to replace her crappy one and she hasnt had problems with her battery life since. Could be you just need a new battery. I recommend a 2800 mah or better. Also i didnt see you mention any of the apps to clean up memory such as oxios hybenate and close apps or clear temp. You should get these apps to clear up ram. Lastly I would recommend updating your rom to a lite version of 6.5 wm with the "kernel" on it that will allow you to operated in a high memory mode by disabling the camera( the 'kernel' gives u the option to turn the camera back on and off though at any time). This gives you an extra 5+ mb of available ram to run programs. I'm currently using ryanmoguls6800 rom v2.1. its a lite version of 6.5, very clean and it works great on my mogul.

Last edited by mjcole2003; 06-30-2009 at 04:31 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

well I think I might have solved my battery draining issue but uninstalling some things I forgot I put on there (a keyboard skin and a few games )

the battery's lasting a little better now, but I have a new issue, lol

Today, out of nowhere, completely random, as I was typing a text message, the phone just blacked out and shut off! It wouldn't turn back on; I had to pull the battery and put it back in to get it to boot back up... It's locked up in the past as I mentioned while it was sitting on charge, but never while I was in the middle of using it...

I've also noticed that for whatever reason, Garmin stopped working completely... probably just an issue with Garmin though, becuase my other GPS app Google Navigator still works fine...

SO, what I think I'm going to try to do right now is to activate my OTHER Mogul and see if maybe it's a weird issue with the phone... yes, I have another one, lol, in brand new shape... just sitting here in a box... maybe I should have mentioned that option before

Thanx for the responces guys! I'll let you know how the other phone works out

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

your buggin witt the battery life on the mogul cause i had the mogul before the touch pro and the mogul blows away the touch pro battery life with heavy uses mind you i was running a stock rom on the mogul.....i would say take it to sprint and let them replace it but you might end up with a touch pro cause odds are your phone is defectd...so if u wan a free replacement if your paying insurence and there isnt no water damage your set for a new ****ty touch stock pro lol
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

Check your programs that use data connections...especially email. If you have something that is set to always be connected to the internet, it will drain your battery. Set emails to download at specific intervals; I use 30 minutes on 3 accounts. Using messenger programs will similarly drain your life.
Also, check your backlight. It will help a little bit to turn it down if it's very bright.
Enjoy the show!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 02:05 AM
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Re: HTC Mogul - Horrible battery life and lock-ups after hard reset

so I swapped phones and activated this other Mogul I had, and so far so good

I dunno if it was just the phone or what, but I've loaded all the same apps on this phone, and aside from being the slow deivce the Mogul is to begin with, at least so far it has not locked up or anything on me
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