Storage memory faster than main memory
I've been testing a bench marking application (SKTools) on the Sprint Mogul:
and I'm getting the following read write times for my storage memory and main memory:
Main Storage (write) - 1198.50 KB/Sec
Main Storage (read) - 2617.81 KB/Sec
Storage Card (write) - 1318.74 KB/Sec
Storage Card (read) - 6077.15 KB/Sec
I was actually pretty surprised to see that the storage read time is that much faster! Currently all of my applications are running from main memory, and I'm contemplating doing a hard reset and putting them all on the storage card. It seems like we would see some performance gains doing this, but I'm not 100% sure. I think there may be other factors that may come into play. Anyone have any information / experience with this? The storage card I'm using is a SanDisk 4GB card I purchased from ebay.