WMDC Keeps erasing partnership, why?? ...ARGGGG
Ugg. Some days I really hate Microsoft products. In the 5 years of owning a Pocket PC, I've have yet to run across a solid, reliable version of Activestync no matter how many versions, patches, or revisions they develop. Ok, that's my complaining for the day. I'm off the soapbox.
So today's issue: WMDC keeps losing my partnership forcing me to re-partner my device every few syncs.
Yesterday, after a week of trying, I finally was able to sync through Bluetooth. Shortly after, this new problem started.
I've had to re-partner my device 3 times in 24 hours. The last time, I was only using the USB cable to sync.
Toshiba M400 Laptop running Vista Ultimate
Mogul PPC
This problem surfaced once before when I first opened the box and plugged in my Mogul. I was able to solve that by turning off 'Enable advanced network Functionality" in the USB settings on the PPC. It's still off but the problem is back.
Any clues as to why this is happening?