A few questions, Metro setup / random reboots
Ok, I got the stuck in bootloader problem fixed.
Now, however, being that I installed WM 6.1 Sprint ROM onto the phone before I had Metro flash it over - 1) it has all the Sprint crap that installs on the first boot.
I don't think I can run a ROM update again without erasing the $40 of work Metro PCS did in order to get rid of the Sprint crap, so I'm guessing I have to do it manually. Searching the forums yields no results.
2)The internet, even setup with the connection and proxy info provided all over the forum, does not connect, and gives me a couple of error messages about sprint vision services not working, etc.
and 3) the kind of annoying bit...
The phone seems to be working normally at the moment, but after several hard restarts, battery pulls, etc the phone will reboot randomly. Either in the middle of a call or just fiddling with settings, etc. It is now working fine, but I fear this problem will return.
Oh, and I can't forget, 4) If I leave Microsoft ActiveSync running on the phone (it seems) it will not return from hibernation. If I disable it in task manager on the phone, it will go in and out of hibernation fine. Why, who knows. How to stop it from booting up, who knows.
Thanks again