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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 10:40 AM
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Re: Programming via USB

The agps requires a carrier data connection nothing else should work. And even if it did work that kinda defeats the purpose of gps because you are now teathered to a computer or wifi for gps to work. If you want standalone then don't follow the agps setup.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.

Last edited by drewcam888; 06-03-2009 at 10:44 AM.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
The agps requires a carrier data connection nothing else should work. And even if it did work that kinda defeats the purpose of gps because you are now teathered to a computer or wifi for gps to work. If you want standalone then don't follow the agps setup.
Im not sure about the carrier data part, I just know that on my Vogue it would lock up in seconds as long as I was connected to AS.
And your right its pointless to have to be connected to your PC to get quality GPS but if hes concerned about a problem with the device then this will tell him if it will work correctly with aGPS. which I think it will.

If I helped you out,Hit the THANKS
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 05:35 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Hi Drew, Nathan et. al.

First let me say this. As you remember the gps finally came up last night after many hours of waiting. After it started working again I decided to test it out. I left the htc gps viewer application running all night until about noon today. I would also bring up TomTom every so often during this time and it worked great. The viewer had 4-6 green balls plus 2 red balls most of the time, inside my house. I had to go out at noon so I took it out on the road and it worked fine. On the way home as a test I stopped at a k-mart and while running TT went into the store. The signal was lost as soon as I went in the door as I expected, cement builing with metal roof. After shopping, TT relocked before I got 20 steps outside the store. I got home at 2pm and it was still working. So it had been working from 7pm last night to 2 pm today. Now I want to leave it off to at last 10 PM and see if it locks again, then turn it off again until the morning. So that's where it stands right now.

Drew, the registry thats on the phone does not say anything about the xtra.bin file but there is an xtra.bin file in the windows directory right now. To be sure it came from qgps I deleted it. I then ran qgps and a new xtra.bin apeared in windows.

I still did not try to update the registry with the changes that came in the quick gps. "reg" file. I want to finish the test I'm doing first. I did note that the text of the .reg file does mention the xtra.bin file however.

FYI that SKTools demo will only let you do 6 lines at a time but that .reg file must be about 60 lines long so I might as well try to do it by hand. It looks like the non-demo version of sktools can make cab files and that it would be possible to make a cab file that would make all these reg. changes. I wonder why nobody ever did that.

I've have had gps running okay on googlemaps while on the internet via WiFi a number of times. googlemaps was able to download its (map) data if thats what you mean. I would really be surpise if quickgps couldn't download data from the internet via Wifi as well.

Oh on a second read of your posts I think your objective is for me to be able to simulate having agps. You wrote:

"So do Shadow-techs agps fix, hook up to AS and download QuickGPS then test out youp gps with GoogleMaps while still hooked to AS.If all goes well you should see 6-12 sats in under a minute."

(I think you mean "run quickgps" instead of "download QuickGPS".)

I don't know anythng about shadow-tech's agps fix, this is the first I've ever heard of it, but normlly quickgps is going to go to some web site to get sat. info then send it back to me via the internet. I'm not sure how your idea would get around this and use agps signals/data but let me keep this idea in my "back pocket" for now until I can study it more.

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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

My QuickGPS on my Diamond has to be redownloaded every week, its set up to automaticly do it.
This is Shadow-Techs fix. It works miracles but I think you would need data for it to work-->


heres something else to try, I think its similar to QuickGPS. Its what I used on my Vogue before doing the fix and it always seemed to help.

If you choose menu on googleMaps then click use GPS it will start looking for sats and show how many its locked.(see screenshot)
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Maps.jpg (35.6 KB, 4 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: cab SH4Y's SeaSGEE Installer-1.CAB (258.8 KB, 5 views) Click for barcode!
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Ok, I didn't have to wait until 10pm. I turned it on 20 mins. ago and no balls showing. So I conclude:

1. This is not a problem of signal strength.
2. When the gps works it is just a matter of the phone managing to find some satillites, which can take hours, when it does then as long as the gps is on everyting is fine.
3. When the gps is turned off for some period of time it loses the birds and the whole process must start over.
4. The quickGPS may or may not be working. It is an unknown.

Ok... how do I fix this..

Also, is there anyone out there who is on vsw and has their gps working without agps. I'd just like to know if I'm the only one to try this or if others have been sucessful. =D>
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:25 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Did you try the SeaSGEE cab I gave you?
You may also try over here-->

Theres several VZW users over here, although its primarily Vogue users keep in mind the Vogue and Mogul are very very similiar devices, the vogues got a little more memory and the Moguls got a keyboard and wifi and thats bout it.

Theres been ALOT of VZW GPS topics over there so just start browsing around.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

heres another thread you might find helpful-->

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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 09:36 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Hi Vacs -
Part of the issue is also going to be that your GPS will either be "hot" or "cold" on each start of a program. It's been a while since I've seen this discussed, so some of this may be slightly off. But here's the basics:

When you prime your GPS by running something like GPS Viewer, you are going to make starting Tomtom very easy. Your GPS is hot. Once you leave the GPS off for a period of time or restart your device, you will have a cold start and it will take a while once again to find a lock.

Now you may be thinking "Why don't I leave my GPS on at all times then?" There's a flaw here. Firstly, it will kill your battery pretty quickly. Secondly, there's a failure SOMEWHERE in the GPS chip when the device goes into standby mode (when the screen goes dark, and the phone enters a sleep mode). After your device goes into Standby with the GPS on, your GPS freezes. You will need to soft reset. I remember getting very frustrated with a program called GPSToday, which sat on my home screen, told me my current street address, distance to nearest contact, current weather, current MPH, etc. It would work great for a while and then fail. Someone told me about the flaw and it matched ever problem I had been having.

So keep this stuff in mind when you are using the GPS. It's going to be pretty flaky, but you can make it work. When you've got a good lock, keep the phone awake (maybe a good idea is to get a charger for your car, and change the Power setting to keep your phone out of standby when connected to external power). A soft-reset will also bring it back to life, but then you are starting cold again which will take time.

I hope this helps!

EDIT - Also, if you email me the .reg file, I will use SKTools to turn it in to a cab for you. Zip the file, and email it to my username here at hotmail.
Enjoy the show!

Last edited by btonetbone; 06-03-2009 at 10:00 PM.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 08:45 AM
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Re: Programming via USB

I use standalone all the time and get locks usually in under a minute if I am outside. Please check your qpst and registry settings. Maybe they may help. Look in the below post for my settings around post 35. Are you still using prl of 2.xxx. Because If so I kinda think this might be a partial cause. Also look for baf gps toggle. It is a good program to toggle gps on and off from the home screen.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2009, 11:05 PM
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Re: Programming via USB

Lots to study but I'll be gone for a week, later
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