Opera 8.6 email link issues
for everyone who has opera and is haveing problems with links in emails, this should work. did it today and no more certificate issue.
In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER is a key called "1". Change the string value from "OperaLaunch.exe" to "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" (or whereever Opera is actually installed). You need to include the quotes around the string. Save and restart your device.
If "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" doesn't work, then try "\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe"
What worked for me was this one
"\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe"
P.S. sorry if already posted somewhere, but i thought that this one deservedits own thread for easier access