Originally Posted by nilisco
Originally Posted by BiGMatTFRomJeRSeY
Im not down playing what midget did. but the noob who posted here though he needed to crap the thread. so i put him in his place. And idk how that makes it sound hard to post on there but i didn't see anyone else posting on there for help.
No need to be an a$$, and ImCoKeMaN already said anything I could have more elegantly. You contributed nothing more to the process than posting something. Whether you believe this or not, it would have been dumped (and apparently already was) with or without you.
Thanks for playing though, and I appreciate both your amazing writing abilities and your gentle and loving attitude!
In other news, I will hopefully have a working flashlight demo application ready sometime today. I messaged vijay on the xda forums with what I think might be what he needs for mogul support, but I could be wrong. I'm also going to mess around with a bit of code he posted to see if I can get something working as well.
i can be a ass if i want to. i hate noobs who feel they need to crap a thread because they want to back someone up. get off his dick. now i understand why custel left xda because of guys just like you.
i never said i was responsible for dumping the rom. all i couldn't do was get the imgfs folder which midget helped with. and if it was dumped which colnel said why didn't he post it. i made this thread as no one else had if it was already posted and out i wouldnt have needed to post this up.
also why do you keep comeing in here with your 4 posts. go away noob.