Originally Posted by rparinsster
I am a novice by my definition and observations of the Posts entered here. My Plantronic's Discovery 655 worked for a period of time; PPC will no longer recognize the BT, tried an earlier model, no go.
I have some IT training, and follow directions well, that's it. Any help out there?
maaaayybe. i messed up my comm settings once, and heres my advice:
use something like spbbackup to backup the ENTIRE phone to your storage card (keep a copy on computer if youre paranoid), then do a hard reset, install a registry program to export specific registry entries, find the entries you want and export them to storage card as REG filetype, reload the backup, and import the registry entries that you exported from the fresh reset.
the trick is finding which entries were affected.. so if youre clueless like i was, it might take a few tries.. but as long as you have a complete backup, youll be fine.
i cant remember if i used resco registry or the registry thing that comes with sktools. either way, as long as you export to REG filetype, youre fine. there is another filetype that starts with R i think, but dont bother with that one.