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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 05:44 PM
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LED Killer 3.1 - Cab and OEM versions - (2/20/08 - New Solution)

2/20/2008 - no2chem has finally cracked the code and came up with a better, permanent solution for killing the service LED here - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=18871

He now has an app called nueLED that will allow you to enable, disable or redirect LED functions for any of the LEDs (bluetooth, charging, service LED etc). More improvements to come.

NOTE: no2chem's nueLED should work with any HTC device and possibly other WM phones. My older LED Killer should work fine with phones other than the 6800 if you happen be unlucky enough to have a model of phone nueLED doesn't work with.

If nueLED will work with your device then use it over LED Killer as his method is so much cleaner, has more features and uses less system resources.


LED Killer 3.1

I have attached both LED Killer 2.0 and 3.1. 2.0 uses notifications to disable the LED while 3.1 runs contstantly in the background. If 2.0 works for you then by all means use that version. If it doesn't then try the 3.1 and it should work

Update 12/29/07 - Added OEM Version (Optional_LED_Killer_3.1a.zip) for those that want to add it to their custom ROM. All others should use the regular versions.

This app was co-authored by stroths and codyppc. Cody has been a great help in this project and it would not have gotten to the level of refinement it has if it wasn't for his help. You can find us at the forums of TreoCentral.com, PPCGeeks.com and PDAPhoneHome.com.

This fix disables the green flashing service LED seen on some pocket pc phones like the Mogul. It will retain all other flashing alerts (email, sms, et) and the charging LEDs while not affecting the vibration function. This app should work on other PPC phones other than the Mogul, but its only been tested on this phone.

1) Install cab file to main memory or the storage card. I would suggest the main memory as it has a very small footprint.
2) Reboot

- (12/23/07) - QuickMenu - When you enable the option "Show on all titlebars". LED Killer will not stop the LED from flashing if this option is enabled in QuickMenu. Under Quickmenu's options, go to the view tab and uncheck "Show on all titlebars" to resolve the compatibility.
- Not compatible with the LED controller HERMLED. Remove HERMLED and reboot before installing this.
- Versions 2.0 and below do not appear to play nicely with iLock

- Use the normal uninstall procedures of Start-> Settings-> System -> Remove Programs
- Reboot

First and foremost, I would like to thank zbop from TreoCentral for creating the TreoLED.exe app. It is at the core of this fix and would not be possible without it (Question: What's red and green... - TreoCentral.com)

I would also like to thank hannip for his continued mortscript help. I got the idea on writing the mortscript for this fix after seeing a mortscript hannip from TreoCentral wrote.


LED Killer 3.1
- Minor update to fix bug from version 3.0 where the LED would flash orange when charging and no notifications were present. Now the solid orange LED will turn off when you first plug it in the charger for about 3 or 4 seconds then turn back on like normal. The green flashing LED is still suppressed like normal.

LED Killer 3.0
- Did away with using the notifications queue. Now the app runs in resident memory and should resolve issues others were having with previous versions.

LED Killer 2.0
- No need to install Mortscript or manually run Mortscript.exe to function properly.
- No need to manually remove notification when doing an uninstall of this version
- Changed the way the Mortscripts are called which should help with situations where program was not initiating under certain circumstances.
- Added icon to LEDoff.lnk shortcut in \Windows\Startup.
- Can now be installed on the SD/microSD card, but it only takes up about 150k, so you should install it in main memory to ensure reliability.

LED Killer 1.0
- New Name
- Removed need for Mortscript to be preinstalled
- Put in a cab file installer format

SLO-MO 1.0
- Original beta version replaced by LED Killer

Future Plans
- Gain control over other LEDs
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Last edited by stroths; 02-22-2008 at 01:30 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 06:50 PM
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Old 07-04-2007, 07:19 PM
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Downloading now!

Great work stroths! works perfectly!

And vibrate work perfectly too!
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine

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Old 07-04-2007, 07:39 PM
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any improvement in battery life? vibrate still work?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:25 PM
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Vibrate works, but I don't know if this will have much of an impact on battery life.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:29 PM
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Error city. Four error messages every time the power button is pressed.

LED_Control750: cmd failed
LED_Control750: cmd failed
TreoLED: LED_APIBlink_off failed
TreoLED: LED_APIBlink_off failed

Any ideas?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity
Error city. Four error messages every time the power button is pressed.

LED_Control750: cmd failed
LED_Control750: cmd failed
TreoLED: LED_APIBlink_off failed
TreoLED: LED_APIBlink_off failed

Any ideas?
Are you running the HERMLED app or any other app that controls the LED? I got an error similar to that when running the HERMLED.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:36 PM
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HERMLED is on my device but isn't running and doesn't have a link in the startup folder. I'll try deleting it altogether.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:49 PM
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Make sure you don't have any notifications setup either or anything else in the startup folder that might be related. After doing that, reboot and see if it clears it up, because Hermled requires a reboot to be removed from memory.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2007, 08:59 PM
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That did it. The icnot program that HERMLED uses was still hanging around after the first soft reset. I deleted everything and soft reset again and it works.

Just remember that the program doesn't work for maybe 20 seconds or so after the phone comes on so just wait for it.
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