11-20-2009, 07:21 PM
Pocket PC: htc touch Carrier: sprint
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Re: How to add your own slider sounds
new here could someone make this a little more clear for me. thanks.
Originally Posted by xmentalx
i posted this over at sprintusers, searched didnt find it here, so i figured i would share it also, it requires .wav files, and some basic registry editing
Alright heres how you do it
step 1 get your 2 files, as far as i know they HAVE to be .wav files the shorter the better....
step 2 name the closing sound #_in.wav and the opening sound #_out.wav (where # is any number greater then 2 because 0 1 and 2 are taken up by the default sounds, i am assuming you can add as many as you want, and just keep them in the numerical sequence) and then copy them into your windows directory on the device
(now the registry editing begins)
step 3 browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > HTC > Sliding sound
and make a new key and number in sequence (so if this is your first it will be 3)
step 4 create a new string and set the value name as Default and for value data, name it whatever refers to your sounds
step 5 create another string set the value name as: in and enter the value data as title of your #_in.wav you made earlier
step 6 create another string set the value name as: out and value data as your #_out.wav you made earlier
step 7 (to make sure the reg edits stick) press the power button on your device on the side, leave it off for 30 seconds, turn it on, then back off and soft reset the device
step 8 go into your sliding sounds settings and apply your new sound scheme