issues with my work schudle in outlook
okay i tried searching a bit, but evidently couldn't come up with the magic combo of words to find my answer, here's my problem:
I live in AZ, when i import my monthly work schedule into my outlook and then sync it to my phone everything shows up just fine, i can go to my calander (thumbcal) and using the next event view on s2u2 and will see my weekly schedules starting and ending at the right time, now when i get to CA for work the times roll back an hour so instead of the event starting at 6:45pm the event is now starting at 5:45pm which is not correct. I am based in CA and my schedule is written correctly according to the CA timezone, so when i first upload it at home the schedule say i have to be at work at 6:45pm my outlook says 6:45pm, and the event viewers all say 6:45 pm, it just changes the events when i get to CA and the darn time changes
and as you see can lead to a little bit of confusion. Is there a setting i am missing somewhere that i need to change