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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 08:30 PM
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6800 flashed to Cricket... MAJOR PROBLEMS, PLEASE HELP ???

so... im new here but i browse alot

i need some advice/help.

i have an htc titan ppc 6800

i took this sprint 6800 to a cricket store, they flashed it for me. everything seemed ok at first....

when i got into settings and click about this is what i get

Windows Mobile 6 Professional
CE OS 5.2.1622 Build 18128.0.4.4.brle-GPS
processor : msm7500-400mhz
46.49 MB of memory

i got into the memory section in settings and it says

169.64mb for storage...
46.24mb for program

when i do the ##778 talk. it says....
Software Version : brle.0.1.1-GPS
Firmware Version : 3.27.00

My PRL is 05315
its connecting to the internet thru a proxy
wap.mycricket.com on port 8080

my issues are the following

1. wont read any sd card i put in there, there all formatted to fat32, mine works in other ppc-6800's

2. i cant get ev-do. all i get is 1X for internet and i get speeds of 130kb download. its ok for standard browsing but slow. wifi is fast though! i have a friend who has a cricket flashed ppc6800 and has evdo and his is faster than mine by alot. im in Kansas City and we have the broadband cards and ev-do so i dont get it....I have changed to other PRL's and i still cant get ev-do. Ive tried 1040, 1041 and 1050 and still get 1X or maybe im just not doing it right.

3. i dont get it all the time, but i recieve all text messages, but when i send out a text i get error's and it says " cause : temporary and something else like "NTWK.RES. " or other times it will say " NoAck ". this doesnt happen all the time but when it does it happens alot and it gets frickin annoying as all get out.

4. is there a way to give the program side more memory ? i meen seriously if i run AIM and internet explorer, it runs the free memory down to 4 to 7mb of memory when normally i have 20 to 25mb of free program memory. i guess it needs more virtual memory. i dont know. but i could live with this.

5. now say i turn my phone off and turn it back on, or i go into the memory section and tell it to stop all running programs like internet explorer, it will sign off the internet, i thought it was supposed to stay connected to the internet all the time. cause i try to run AIM and leave it running and sometimes like 5 or 6 hours later it will be signed off and the internet connection will be offline and then i bring up internet explorer and it signs back online again and then i can resign my AIM in again. is there a way to make it stay online or is this a problem with having only 1X and no evdo?

please dont flame me for being new.....

i just need some help really.



Last edited by ethan smart; 01-12-2009 at 08:32 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: 6800 flashed to Cricket... MAJOR PROBLEMS, PLEASE HELP ???

also before the flash....it was a stock sprint phone and it would recognize sprints evdo if that meens anything.....
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