Has anyone installed the Textr app? I agree that not having tha ability to send texts to phone numbers is a deal breaker, but it looks promising as the palm app won't be developed any further.
Also, does it need to be run first to accept texts ala txtman?
The Palm Threaded SMS App works completely on the Treo 750, because it was extracted from there.
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1 --- Don't forget to Search first! |
i can't believe they're not going to work on the app to include on their own devices? :innocent:
in the mean time, i think i'll buy this app. palm's threader has always been buggy on my (refurbished, fwiw) 6700, closing many times after getting two letters into my reply. anyone had this issue with the palm app? and does txtman play nice with phone suite? eric b |
Here's another vote for the palm app. I've yet to encounter a problem with it. I send a crap load of txt msg's a month and i've yet to see a problem with it. Neither it closing prematurely and me loosing my msg i've been typing or anything else.