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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 12:58 PM
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Talking Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

I have unlimited data on the SERO plan - I've used as much as 25GB in a month and never heard a peep from Sprint about trying to charge me for tethering *knocks on wood* - and I pretty much use my Mogul as my only internet connection when I'm at home. True, this is not quite as good as DSL or Roadrunner, but I live alone (so no one else needs constant internet) and it saves me $80 a month not buying internet, so there you go. I love Mogul + unlimited data.

Anyway, long story short, I would be very greatful if anyone would share solutions for getting a data connection that can last 8 - 12 hours (to run BitTorrent on my computer overnight) without either (i) disconnecting after a few hours because the battery died; or (ii) disconnecting at random times because the connection was lost.

So far, I find that I never lose my connection with WMWifiRouter, but the battery dies after about 4-5 hours. PDANet lasted slightly longer before battery would die, but also sometimes disconnects randomly.

I just upgraded to WM 6.1 (I'm using the official Sprint ROM), but I did the easy (and well explained) registry hacks to get ICS working on Sprint PCS. I'm still testing ICS (on about day 4), but so far my internet connection lasts for at most an hour and sometimes only 5 minutes before I have to click "Connect" again on ICS.

Is anyone here currently able to keep their internet actively running for 8-12 hours like this? Like I said, this is primarily so I can run BitTorrent overnight, so aside from this last specific use let me say I am extremely satisfied with my Mogul (had mine a little over a year now). I've tried and didn't like running the windows mobile version of BitTorrent b/c my battery was still dying after 4ish hours and storage space is limited this way.

Anyway, if anyone has been able to consistently maintain an internet connection for 8-12 hours, I would love to hear how.

Many thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 01:03 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

When I tether, my phone charges through the connection to the computer. That's not the case for you? I am wondering why the battery is running down.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

I hope you're able to find a solution to your question. I was just thinking that, regarding wmwifirouter, even if i could get it to keep a connection for 8+ hours, my mogul would probably melt after only 3 hours.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

Just hit 6 gig today, now worries here!! Besides what is the worst thing they can do??? make me a Verizon customer??? Bring on the Omnia!!!!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 03:11 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

i use wmwifirouter 12hrs at a time easy... why cant you keep in on the charger??? i just set it in front off my open window to keep it cool and , viola, never overheats to stop the charging...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 03:18 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

and i also used to use BitTorrent/BItComet... i dont think your going to get very good DL speeds at all...sometimes those take awhile and thats with DSL or T lines..

just my opinion
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 04:24 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

verizon data plan is unlimited !!!!! if u dont belive this check this out

and this

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 04:32 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
and i also used to use BitTorrent/BItComet... i dont think your going to get very good DL speeds at all...sometimes those take awhile and thats with DSL or T lines..

just my opinion

dont rag on the dsl.. my dsl has average dl speeds always double than what my time warner road runner used to be and cable internet is supossed to be so fast. ha, I hate time warner.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 05:54 PM
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Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

My mogul is faster than my DSL where I am. I think the issue is that there are two types of charging docking stations: ones with only USB... slow charge and fast drain and other with an auxiliary power source. I have the later type and have no problems at home. If phone is left alone, changes in less than an hour and stays full. But, I have not tested how long it works tethered, but come to think of it, on travel have used it for hours without a problem. The plug in chargers are cheap on eBay.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2008, 08:25 PM
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Talking Re: Best way to use BitTorrent via the Mogul?

Yeah, like a couple of people above said, it's because the battery overheats, which stops the charging, so then you only have until the battery dies. This is one of the changes they made to Lithium ion batteries after those Sony laptop fires - they quit charging once they hit a certain temp. If you don't use your internet for long periods you may not have noticed it quit charging.

That's an interesting idea about the window, but I think I'd be worried about theft/rain/etc. I've tried a number of things to keep the battery cool (take off the back cover and put my phone on a fan, etc.), but I honestly haven't noticed that make a difference.

I'm thinking the easiest (and maybe the only) solution is to get myself one of those extra thick 3000+ mAh batteries. That way, even if it does stop charging on me at some point, the battery will take a lot longer to die. I don't know if that will get me all the way to 8-12 hours, but I would think it would definitely help.

I was hoping maybe someone had found a way to absolutely minimize the power consumption of tethering, but it sounds like bigger battery may be the way to go.

Thanks for all the input and brainstorming! This has been pretty much my first post to ask this question - but that's only because the site already had the answers to everything else! Too many for me to remember to thank, but lots of people put in lots of hard work here just to help other nerds enjoy our nerd toys. Good stuff.
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