anyone have a copy of the link file poutlook? I went threw the directions on the treocentral site and ended up losing the link when I press the envelope button my 6800. Didn't realize that I didn't need to do that and now I have lost that functionality. Any help would be appreciated.
Furthermore....CodyPPC is removable? Once I remove this app, I no longer have "meesaging exe." Due to this, I've had to hard reset 3 times because a soft reset did me absolutely no good. Somebody please tell me how to get this damned thing off my 6800 WITHOUT it removing my entire ability to text. I didnt have all these issues before installing it and my clients are going nuts because they are getting messages that may have been sent days / weeks ago all over again. |
Bizarre, I have uninstalled the codyppc at least twice and never had it bork up the built in app. Makes no sense to me why it doesn;t work for you.
What method are you using to backup your device...I ask because some apps give you a way to restore only selected items. And I'll ask the stupid question: does messaging.exe exist on your Mogul (/Windows directory) before you uninstall the Palm app? If so can you copy it to the storage card, uninstall the Palm app and then copy it back. just grasping at straws here...
ROCK ON! PPC 6800 - 1st Converged Device Sharp Wizard->Palm IIIx->Casio EM-500->Dell X5 Advanced->PPC 6800 |