Hey all, I always had a Problem in my keyboard using the W and the R, that top row probably saw some liquid spill from my mogul's previous owner. I tried the keyboard fix cab and stuff like that but that was definetely a hardware problem. But i could live with that. A few days ago my green answer key started to fail. I had to press it really hard in order to answer or dial. That started to make me pissed with my phone, so yesterday walking in the Home depot i saw something called Contact Cleaner ( this:
http://www.dragosupply.com/drago/ser...log/group.jsp/ )
and I decided to give it a try. I removed the battery, sprayed enough over thge button to make sure that the liquid went inside the phone, pressed the bad keys fast many times to make the cleaner work.... let it dry for seconds, put the battery back and guess what. It works! I am not saying it will resolve your problem, but in my case worked. Give it a try. dont have to buy it, go to the Home depot and spray it a little bit