Originally Posted by Paragon
Originally Posted by jamesus
We just can't win, huh? And I am starting to believe the conspiracy theory!
The thing is, when I did the review on the P4000/6800 I tried to crash it by running as many apps as I could. I had it running Audible reading a book, WMP playing music, PIE downloading webpages and a slue of other apps and I couldn't crash it. It very quickly adjusted RAM needs as downloads ended or other processor functions restarted. I couldn't get it to go below 3.5Mb of RAM.....could the conspiracy be vaild?
Really? Try weather panel for a few days and wait and see. I love the app but it just freezes so many times (with 20+ M RAM remaining) and once I stopped it 3 weeks ago, the frozen screen stopped and I do not have one single lockup vs almost once every two day.