I wanted to thank everyone here for all the info and files. I spent about 6 hours myself changing the MSL, loading the latest alltel rom, and updating the service settings with QPST on the phone I bought from Saumaun on here. I'm a newb and this is my first smartphone so I am proud that I was able to pull this off.
It was funny I stopped by an Alltel store on my way home yesterday and jokingly asked, can you flash this phone for me and activate it? I thought she was going to throw things at me. She didn't have a clue and said they don't take off network phones. So i told her, "I'll just take it home and do it myself!", which I had planned to do anyway.
I had to use the GetSPC MSL generator to get my MSL code. Then I changed it with QPST to 000000. Then I used Hard-SPL-MFG.exe to allow me to load the RUU_TITAN_ALLTEL_WWE_3.52.671.9_RS_TITAN_Alltel3.4 2.50_NV2.02_PPST_Ship.exe ROM. Then finally I copied my settings from my Hue using QPST.
The first CS agent I called after getting the phone as Alltel-ish as I could said the same thing we don't activate off network phones, I yelled at her and called her a liar. I called back and got a another guy who promptly entered the ESN and asked me what model I had. I told him and all he had to say was, "sweet phone.".
I activated with *228 option 3. I tried to use *228 option 2, but it wouldn't work. I manually loaded PRL 40038 with QPST though.
I got the internet working by copying the settings over from my Hue using QPST and the trick here to make it work was going into EPST (##77

- M.IP settings changing active user profile index to a 1. The internet works, but it falls back to 1X when I open internet explorer. I need to find out how to tweak this. The phone shows RevA and EVDO until I go into internet explorer. The wifi works great. I tried to tether to it yet. I want to get the speed fixed first.
Any information appreciated. Thanks a bunch again!
ActiveSync I got working over the usb cable, but can't get it to work with BT at all. I can set my activesync on vista to use BT and the phone sees that when connecting, but it doesn't work. If I change vista activesync to use a COM port that I have added into the computer profile, then I can see that com port from the titan but no activesync. I tried over and over again, it is just not working.