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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2008, 11:01 PM
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Red face Sprint Mogul flashed to Alltel

I wanted to thank everyone here for all the info and files. I spent about 6 hours myself changing the MSL, loading the latest alltel rom, and updating the service settings with QPST on the phone I bought from Saumaun on here. I'm a newb and this is my first smartphone so I am proud that I was able to pull this off.

It was funny I stopped by an Alltel store on my way home yesterday and jokingly asked, can you flash this phone for me and activate it? I thought she was going to throw things at me. She didn't have a clue and said they don't take off network phones. So i told her, "I'll just take it home and do it myself!", which I had planned to do anyway.

I had to use the GetSPC MSL generator to get my MSL code. Then I changed it with QPST to 000000. Then I used Hard-SPL-MFG.exe to allow me to load the RUU_TITAN_ALLTEL_WWE_3.52.671.9_RS_TITAN_Alltel3.4 2.50_NV2.02_PPST_Ship.exe ROM. Then finally I copied my settings from my Hue using QPST.

The first CS agent I called after getting the phone as Alltel-ish as I could said the same thing we don't activate off network phones, I yelled at her and called her a liar. I called back and got a another guy who promptly entered the ESN and asked me what model I had. I told him and all he had to say was, "sweet phone.".

I activated with *228 option 3. I tried to use *228 option 2, but it wouldn't work. I manually loaded PRL 40038 with QPST though.

I got the internet working by copying the settings over from my Hue using QPST and the trick here to make it work was going into EPST (##77 - M.IP settings changing active user profile index to a 1. The internet works, but it falls back to 1X when I open internet explorer. I need to find out how to tweak this. The phone shows RevA and EVDO until I go into internet explorer. The wifi works great. I tried to tether to it yet. I want to get the speed fixed first.

Any information appreciated. Thanks a bunch again!


ActiveSync I got working over the usb cable, but can't get it to work with BT at all. I can set my activesync on vista to use BT and the phone sees that when connecting, but it doesn't work. If I change vista activesync to use a COM port that I have added into the computer profile, then I can see that com port from the titan but no activesync. I tried over and over again, it is just not working.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2008, 01:46 PM
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Re: Sprint Mogul flashed to Alltel

The internet fix was that the ESN must be capitalized in the EPST Security tab the HDR AN AUTH Password. Now I have EVDO!

The next problem is the bluetooth on this thing...I cannot connect to it fully. My pc connects partially and then nothing works.

It is the same for the other direction to going from the phone to the pc.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 10:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Mogul flashed to Alltel

Im going through this same issue but im not too sure about the settings. I also switching from Ev to rA as well. I copied most of my setting from my moto Q. If u can. Please share your settings. Thanks.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Sprint Mogul flashed to Alltel

Data connection settings resolved. Sprint mogul to Alltel project turned out to be a success!
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