I've searched everywhere and can't seem to get this back...Awhile ago when I first upgraded my mogul to the latest 3.35 rom I installed a AT&T telenav cab. by mistake. once I found this out I had to search for a sprint nav. cab to get my navigation working again on my mogul. To my surprise when I installed the sprint nav cab. I got off the web it had a new interface and some new features. Location Sharing being the most notable. Since then I've flashed to a custom rom and thought that I had that cab. backed up but sadly I do not. After hours and hours of research I found that the sprint nav version I'm looking for is version 2.1 now sprint's website says that only version 1.0 is available for the mogul
http://navigation.sprint.com/devices.html but I know that is false given the fact that I had it and ran it for weeks. I tried the diamond 2.1 cab. from this site but it just freezes and the pictures are over sized on the mogul it never fully starts up. the closest I've come was a telenav version 4.5 cab. that I found which is exactly what I had with the sprint version minus the sprint nav. logo it just says telenav. Problem is it's only set up to work with a external receiver. I have location settings turned on. I've done soft resets the whole 9. So if someone could PLEASE help me find
A: A "Sprint Nav" v2.1 cab. or
B: A "Telenav" v4.1 or higher cab. that does NOT require a external bluetooth reciever to function.
I'd be greatly appreciative. I used the location sharing function everyday many times a day when I had it. It was a great help due to the fact that I just moved to LA from MI and am not very familiar with many areas so I would use it to let friends know where I am so they can meet me etc...