Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
You can check out mymoblier. its a free program. http://www.mtux.com/
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Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
Dashwire lets you send text messages via your laptop or any other computer. It also provides a good backup of many of the items on your phone
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Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
I really appreciate the suggestion, but I actually have mymobiler. It's great for some applications, but pretty worthless for what I'm working on.
Thank you again for the time, though. |
Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
Good luck. |
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Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
Does your tablet have bluetooth already? If not your going to need a dongle or adapter to plug into the laptop/tablet to get it to connect to the Mogul as a hands free device.
I can use my Logitech's bluetooth receiver that came with my keyboard and mouse to connect to my cell as hands free so I know its supported just have to have a bluetooth on your tablet that supports the hands free protocol. As for something to let you send and receive texts from the tablet Dashwire works good but you have to have internet on both devices at the same time. Dashwire on a stock rom is a memory hog. It would be nice if you could have an all in one that would let you use it over an activesysnc connection. I saw the redfly and if we could hack together something like this for our tablets or laptops it would be a cool program http://www.celiocorp.com/ trouble is figuring out how they do it and making some kind of emulator program that emulates the redfly inside a window on xp or vista machines that have bluetooth. If such software already exists - the my moblir bc it kinda sux @ 320x240 and is kinda laggy bc it relies so much on the titan to do the display the redfly looks to have its own cpu and ram that does some kind of display processing. |
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Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
I think you're on the right path with me. I couldn't imagine nobody else with a tablet wouldn't have thought of something like this. I'm a hardware guy...I don't write software. My tablet is in fact bluetooth equipped. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with Vista on the damn thing and cannot get hands free to work with the Titan. I'm telling you hours upon hours trying. The finality is a failed driver install for "Bluetooth Peripheral Device" that I'm unable to find anywhere. It's apparently a driver for the titan bluetooth?* If you know anything about this, I could really use the driver. I've tried MyMobiler, but it's so laggy with the titan that it's not worth the trouble. It works great for some applications, but for what I would like to use it for, it's pretty much worthless. The screen can be expanded to make it a little more PC touch friendly, but it's still a pain, relying on the Titan processor. I tried dashwire and wasn't impressed. Again, it's great for some applications, but not so much for others. If you come up with anything please let me know. I watched the redfly presentation and it looks impressive like they're on the right track. I just don't want another laptop...just the software for the one I have! Thanks again! |
Re: PC as Bluetooth Speakerphone
I think I'm on to something now. I'll let you know the results!
http://www.jetwaremobile.com/bthfx/support.htm |
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