Originally Posted by Pibe38
You all really think it'll be cheaper than the full-price 700wx? This device will have a larger screen and wi-fi, plus it's newer and probably more anticipated than the 700wx.
I think it will at least cost $650, which is what the 700wx cost at release with no contract... it could cost even more.
I'm thinking this will be up there with the price of the Sprint Samsung IP-830w. Maybe 50-100 less but in any event, take a look at the pricing of the 6700 at launch. That'll give you a good idea as to how much it'll be. Eather way, i'm buying this for sures. And hopefully by then, Sprint would of decided to finally release EVDO to us customers here who are already paying for it and lost our Grandfathered Vision services just because we wanted one of the newer PV phones when they were released..