Re: srean savers
No, it cannot lock up your phone really bad. It's sorta worth it - I have used some variant of S2u2 for literally years, but only recently have tried doing without. It's great, but it does use some memory...
The reason you don't see "screensavers" for PPCs is, there is no reason to kill the battery with a screensaver when you should instead just power off on idle.
Re: sreen savers
I looked and looked for a screensaver for my Mogul and finally found this free one at CNET
http://www.download.com/DockWare/300...-10054376.html The free vers is fine the pay for vers has more options. I like a SS when I'm connected to my pc or in the car external power. (extra points when spouse/sig-other pics show up on it too!!) |
Re: srean savers