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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 08:49 PM
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general question

I went out last night and either someone snatched or I dropped my mogul in my drunken stupor. I have insurance but what are the chances of sprint agreeing to send me a diamond instead of a titan? The diamond is the same price and actually cheaper on sprints website so I could try and talk them into believing it's a downgrade. Any of you know if they'd go for it?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 09:01 PM
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Re: general question

We all want the diamond, Pro and free adds on and all, but come on man!! this is ridiculous. This isn't a good scenario at all unless you promise them that you will start attending AA and get some signed slips to show for.lol
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 09:11 PM
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Re: general question

Well forget that it's a diamond a second....the point is for any insurance claim, would they allow a downgrade? I'm asking of their policy because policy is policy.....on their website, they have the diamond at a cheaper price, which they could consider a downgrade.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2008, 09:59 PM
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Re: general question

If your Mogul is MIA and they have a mogul in stock that is what you are going to get. Now, if they don't have it which happens a lot, you will definitely get the Diamond.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2008, 02:01 PM
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Re: general question

1:51:39 PM System Connected to sprint-ap2.cnxchat.com
1:51:40 PM System Session ID: 3562269
1:51:45 PM System Please hold and the next available agent will be with you shortly.
1:52:20 PM System Sharde has joined this session!
1:52:20 PM System Connected with Sharde
1:52:24 PM Sharde Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Sharde. How may I assist you today?
1:52:33 PM prti Hi Sharde, I just have a couple of general questions.
1:52:45 PM prti I need to know exactly when my contract with Sprint expires for one
1:53:15 PM pti I see november 5 2008 on the website but i'm not sure if that is the date I can cancel my service without a penalty.
1:53:25 PM Sharde I will be more than happy to help you with that today.
1:53:43 PM prti thank you
1:55:00 PM Sharde 11/05/2008
1:55:05 PM Sharde That is when the contract ends.
1:55:49 PM pati okay perfect, my next question is. If equipment is lost and someone is under the equipment insurance plan. Is it possible to downgrade the phone and receive a lower end model?
1:56:36 PM pti or a model of equal value?
1:56:50 PM Sharde Equal value.
1:57:12 PM Sharde They may offer a lesser value phone, however I am not sure.
1:57:29 PM pti Okay. my question was directly related to the htc mogul and htc diamond
1:57:48 PM pti I have not lost my equipment, but I was curious about the policy.
1:58:14 PM Sharde Would you like the number to Asurion so that you could call?
1:58:30 PM Sharde Asurion is the insurance company.
1:58:33 PM pti No thank you. It's not an important question, I was only curious.
1:58:48 PM pi the important issue was my contract date
1:58:53 PM pi thank you very much for you help sharde
1:59:05 PM Sharde Do you have any further questions?
1:59:06 PM pti have a good day
1:59:08 PM pti nope
1:59:10 PM pti appreciate the help
1:59:14 PM pti ciao
1:59:14 PM Sharde Please take an additional moment to take a survey regarding the customer service you have received from me today.
1:59:17 PM pti sure
1:59:25 PM Sharde Thank you for contacting Sprint. Our goal is to make your chat experience a great one. There will be a survey after this chat that you may fill out to advise us of how we are doing. Please disable all popup blockers before this chat session ends to ensure you are afforded the opportunity to participate. Should you have any additional feedback or comments you would like to provide regarding your chat or chat agent, please send us an email at: sprint.customerappreciation@connextions.com. If you would like a copy of this transcript please press either the print button at the bottom of this session or the copy button to copy/paste into the word processing program of your choice.
1:59:30 PM System Sharde has left this session!
1:59:30 PM System The session has ended!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2008, 10:41 AM
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Re: general question

All I can tell you is file a claim and see what you get. I mean, if you get a 6800 what are you going to do? Refuse it? Either way, you need a device.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 02:38 AM
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Re: general question

well....I'm actually going to just switch services rather than claim anything. I'll pay the extra month out of pocket and switch service to my old Fusic phone while getting rid of the wretched sprint. I can't stand it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 02:42 AM
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Re: general question

asurion's general policy is never to give a different device on an insurance claim in normal circumstances. this is obviously to prevent this type of insurance fraud. most of the people you see getting other devices are either swapping them with sprint or getting it replaced under the other part of the $7/mo plan (which offers an extended warranty). sprint is more liberal with this kind of thing, asurion on the other hand could probably care less if you stay with sprint or not.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 02:52 AM
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Re: general question

iunno technically it was fraud when i had to get a V9m replaced because I couldn't tell what the color codes were at the time and didn't realize until I got a pink razr in the mail. granted, i wanted one ot make my girlfriend jealous, but that wasn't the phone that i originally paid for and they didn't seem to mind.

though i did break the phone 2 weeks later from overhacking/lack of quality
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2008, 07:35 PM
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Re: general question

Originally Posted by Vampyrate View Post
iunno technically it was fraud when i had to get a V9m replaced because I couldn't tell what the color codes were at the time and didn't realize until I got a pink razr in the mail. granted, i wanted one ot make my girlfriend jealous, but that wasn't the phone that i originally paid for and they didn't seem to mind.

though i did break the phone 2 weeks later from overhacking/lack of quality
if you didn't have to pay $50 then you didn't go through asurion.... sprint has their own replacement plan as part of the $7/mo plan... also if phones are discontinued or out of stock they will send you a different one... I also didn't say it was fraud to do that but it could easily be used for fraudulent purposes and that is why asurion generally will not do it.
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