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Old 09-25-2008, 08:36 AM
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S2U2 and volume control issue

So Ive am not new to any of this but I had something strange happen yesterday. I am currently running what is in my sig so Im not going to repeat it here. I also have S2U2 v1.22 installed and have been using S2U2 ever since v0.9x and it has always been a good app.

Well anyone who also has been following along will know that around v1.10 there was a transparent voice control screen added and in order to use it you have to map a .lnk file to whatever button you want to control it. Well since I never could get it to map to the wheel, I never used it.

So, there again, I have been using S2U2 v1.22 with no issues. But yesterday when I got off work I went to turn my ringer on and coincidentally I bumped the wheel and here popped up that transparent screen and it adjusted my volume.

Picture is from XDA so I dont want any whiners

So I was amazed because I have done nothing to any registry or file or anything. I was going to record a video of it and post it but then this morning when I went to do it again, it wont do it.

So does anyone know or have an idea of what happened? How did the wheel learn to respond to volume control and why did it start and why did it stop?
Loving my rooted Droid X
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