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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 12:22 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Originally Posted by tim.burleson@gmail.com View Post
Ok...I am officially frustrated...reboot my laptop so many times. I followed the advice about uninstalling 6.1 and installing 6.0. took 3 tries. still no joy. no love. Device connects to the machine as you see it install it's drivers for the Microsoft mobile device and some other device that looks like a bluetooth device. Didn't think this was going to work anyway....

WMDC 6.0.6783.

Here it beep on connect and disconnect.

Vista Home Premium

Man what else do I do? Funny thing is my wife's macbook sees it and wants to connect...via bluetooth...go figure.

BTW bluetooth connects to my laptop as well but does not sync...Sync initiated on the phone says to install WMDC.

Also, when i uncheck USB to PC advanced and try to sync...it says I do not have ActiveSync 4.5 installed so it cannot continue. This makes me believe you have a problem with the driver......it does not make any sense

You did attempt a hard reset.....correct?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 01:04 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Yes...hard reset...

Ok started from scratch this time (again). Found 5 files in the system32 directory that were dated 5.17.07 (mentioned many times before) that were left after the uninstalls. Used unlocker to unlock them and then erased WindowsMobile directory in Windows.

Turned off wireless access and disconnected LAN. (Kept getting this update that I did not install).


Installed WMDC 6.0 which installed some unknown device and kept searching for this specified folder. Said it installed successfully but did not tell me the name only that it was an unidentified device. I hear several connect/disconnect beeps.


Checked the WMDC...it is 6.0...checked the system32 directory for the 5 files and now they are 1/31/07. Clean install. Add/Remove programs only shows one instance.

Connected my mogul and had the connection beeps. Then I see bluetooth install. Then I see an update of WMDC happening (prompts for deleting/updating old files) Several Connect/Disconnect beeps. When it is all done the device will not sync.

WMDC is 6.1. Files in system32 are dated 5/17/07 and I have WMDC and WMDC updated in Add/Remove programs.

So my updated WinMo 6.1 phone is installing WMDC 6.1? How can I stop it from doing that? Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for helping Tim
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 01:53 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Try this. Dont be too hopeful but something to experiment:
1) Restart your device.

2) Open "File Explorer"

3) If your not in the root folder ("My Device" folder), select the "My
Device" folder from the drop down menu (below the start button)

4) Open the "Temp" folder

5) Delete all files and folder inside the "Temp" folder

6) Go back to the "My Device" folder then open the "Windows" folder

7) Copy (or backup) the "Activesync" folder to somewhere else (for example
to your storage card)

Open the "Activesync" folder

9) Delete the following files "CtrlLog" and the one that looks like a
registry entry (mine is "{A6E58374-2...", i'm not sure if its the same with
all devices

10) Connect your device to your PC, ActiveSync will do a couple of sync but
it should stop after 3 or 4 times.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2008, 12:10 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Thanks for the steps above but still no sync.

Basically it looks like WMDC is not registered or something to accept requests from my phone. Something is blocking WMDC from seeing the Mogul and something is blocking the mogul from seeing WMDC.

When I disable the advanced connection on the phone on the USB to PC connection. The phone connects to the pc...authenticates, etc. The phone beeps saying it has connected and then I receive the message "To synchronize this device, you must install ActiveSync 4.5 or newer on your desktop computer" I can't install ActiveSync on a vista machine.

I am out of options...any other ideas?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2008, 12:19 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

I am sure you must have checked this already. But for the sake of troubleshooting:
WMDC -> Mobile device Settings -> Connection Settings -> make sure Allow boxes are checked
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2008, 12:22 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

well I can tell you that my Vista 64Bit Ultimate does work in either the Advanced USB or regular. I however run mine with UAC disabled. Don't know if that will matter. This scenario worked also on my laptop with Vista Ultimate 64Bit as well.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2008, 01:46 AM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
My solution to all this was to upgrade to XP- best decision I made in years.
This is gibberish and don't take it seriously. Vista x64 business installed with vlite and service pack 1 on a cd2 with 4gb of ram blows away the so called performance and stability. Believe me, I used to think that was an "upgrade" too, but after 6 moths of a super stable sp1 I can't deny that it's time to move forward.

Back to the op, my main concern here is your name on this forum. You REALLY need to p.m. a site admin and see if they can take the "@gmail.com" part out of your account name. I don't know if you know this but literally thousands of accounts on any given forum are webcrawlers, including spambots. They will pick up your email and have it out to every spamming system within a few weeks.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2008, 08:55 PM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

I don't know nearly as much as these others on here but I just got past this issue myself today, after struggling for several days. I am running Vista 64bit home premium and had to do a couple things. Maybe I missed you doing this already so forgive me if so. First I went to Microsoft and downloaded update for snycing with Vista, next I did have to uncheck usb to pc "enable advanced network functionality" and then wala it finally worked and recognized my device. Hope this helps and I understand the frustration. Good Luck!

I believe this was the one.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2008, 12:40 PM
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Re: Mogul + Vista + WMDC = not working

Originally Posted by tim.burleson@gmail.com View Post
Ok, I have a Sprint Mogul that I cannot get to sync with my Vista Laptop. I can plug in the phone, charge light comes on and I here the USB connection sound. Software is installed...Windows Update is runs. I then installed WMDC and it finished. All complete but the Phone does not sync.

Sync does not recognize my device.

I tried disabling the Advanced features in the USB to PC on the device but that prompted me with the error that I need to install ActiveSync 4.5 which does not run on Vista.

I then tried installing ActiveSync on my xp machine and voila! Worked like a champ no problem...except...I need to sync with my laptop. Any help?

Here are the vitals:

with latest ROM


Windows Mobile 6.1
CE OS 5.2.19208 (Build 19208.1.0.1)

Windows Vista SP1

Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1
Version 6.1.6965

Please help, I am running out of sheet rock in my house to put my head through.

Thanks, Tim
Well I just downloaded to my Vista computer the latest Rom 6.1 but I haven't installed it yet on my Mogul. I have never used WDC with my Vista laptop until last night, I recently just purchased my Vista laptop. I plugged it into a Usb port and my Mogul was not recognized. I was using a USB cable that did not come with my Mogul I can't find it. After looking in vain for the cable that came with my Mogul. I decided let me plug the cable that I do have into a different USB port and Voila it recognized the Mogul. It sounds silly but try it.
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