Originally Posted by jerryyyyy
My solution to all this was to upgrade to XP- best decision I made in years.
This is gibberish and don't take it seriously. Vista x64 business installed with vlite and service pack 1 on a cd2 with 4gb of ram blows away the so called performance and stability. Believe me, I used to think that was an "upgrade" too, but after 6 moths of a super stable sp1 I can't deny that it's time to move forward.
Back to the op, my main concern here is your name on this forum. You REALLY need to p.m. a site admin and see if they can take the "@gmail.com" part out of your account name. I don't know if you know this but literally thousands of accounts on any given forum are webcrawlers, including spambots. They will pick up your email and have it out to every spamming system within a few weeks.