Problems with WMWifirouter
I am now at the conclusion that experimenting with WMWifirouter
Has taken out 2 normal features of my phone..
1. Is DHCP through Internet Sharing (fixed via static IP but still annoying)
2. Is the ability for it to login or detect any Wifi network
I see when WMWifirouter is running that it messes with the windows registry and I'm guessing that's where these breaks are.. does anyone know how to repair these breaks.. I was only messing with trial editions v1.07 and latest v1.09 I believe.. (in both cases I install and or removed and no fix) in addition v1.07 was the one I was using first and it crashed quite a few times.. (maybe explaining why registry wasn't restored to normal)
I'm assuming if no one can provide a fix.. that I'm just going to update my rom from sprint from 3.35.651.2 to the latest.. (as I assume a reset in software is the only fix really) if this is the case.. I heard that Internet Sharing was broken with latest rom is this true?