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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 04:34 PM
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Omg Help

I flashed my HTC Mogul or whatever, I had built a OS with the kitchen thing, and anyways - the one I built went on there, but it won't get off the like.. "loading" screen, and I can't put what I had back on there because my computer can't connect to it through activesync... What do I do? Did I screw my phone up for good?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: Omg Help

Hey Vanilla, try to get the battery out for a minute if you haven't done so already, I will let the custom rom dudes help you, I am a stock rom dude. No worries man,take it easy on the vanilla
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 04:42 PM
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Re: Omg Help

first: calm down. no, you didn't hurt your device.

second: read the whole threads before you start flashing the first time.

this is a good place to start: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=32382

List of things to try:

1. did you update your SPL? if not, reflash back to the original rom (see below) and start over.
2. Did you try a hard reset (hold down both left and right softmenu keys and hit reset, then press "r" when prompted)
3. if you did, did you try flashing back to your original rom? Hold down the power + camera keys and reset, it will pull up a multi-colored screen from which you can plug in the USB and flash a new ROM.

If nothing there helps, please post *exactly* what you did and we'll see if we can help... but before you do that, make sure you have read and tried to find the answer yourself. The details are all over this forum and there are hundreds of useful threads that could help. Your thread title is about as helpful as a blank wall, my friend, because it says nothing about what you actually need.

Welcome to the fun world of custom firmware =] You'll find it's a lot of fun, but you need to do the due diligence and do some research first.

Good luck! it'll all be fine!

- Taxilian
Disclaimer: 87.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Author is not responsible for any inaccuracy in his posts -- If you were foolish enough to think that he actually knows what he's talking about and bad things happened as a result, he takes no responsibility for that either. Not responsible for shin damage due to software not working on your girlfriend's phone. Author is also easily amused.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 04:47 PM
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Re: Omg Help

If your having trouble activesyncing. Go to settings tab>connections tab>usb to pc>and unclick the box for enable advanced network functionality. This halted my mogul in active syncing. If this doesnt work after you uncheck the box, disconnect from usb cable, soft reset, then when your dvice loads, reconeect your device.

Also, i don't use windows mobile device, i get to my device through my computer when it is attached. It will say Pocket PC under my computer.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 05:53 PM
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Re: Omg Help

Pull the battery out for at least 30 seconds. Followed by a hard reset. This is needed when flashing a custom rom for the first time. Its in the directions some where but often over looked.

Write back if there are any other issues. That would be the most common but an older radio version with a newer rom but give some issues also.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: Omg Help

Originally Posted by reeg420 View Post
Pull the battery out for at least 30 seconds. Followed by a hard reset. This is needed when flashing a custom rom for the first time. Its in the directions some where but often over looked.

Write back if there are any other issues. That would be the most common but an older radio version with a newer rom but give some issues also.
Phone info:
Alltel's 6800
Rom: WinMo 6.5 Build 21501 RC1 (Thanks to Tplane37)
Radio: 3.42.50
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