Re: mic not working
thought of that, no it went straight mike and he flashed it and sent back, activated thru cricket and made a call. that's when i found out. took to shop, $95 if they could find a mic to replace, and $200+ to do a loop test to see what's up. after $384 for one that has bad mic, $270 for one that got soda logged and mem card reader don't work anymore, nor vib, $40 to send both phone
to mike, and $50 to have one flashed (other one wasn't coming on @ that time), i'm not looking to $pend more. leaves me broke, with 2 units that only partly work each. shop said no way htc put out bad unit, they are too good quality to put out bad unit.
Last edited by jpwhre; 07-31-2008 at 06:57 PM.