has anyone else had problems soft resetting and going into bootloader?
i was posting about my phone doing this over at xda-dev a few days ago before i left on a trip, and now ive seen a few more isolated instances of people posting about it.
other than the blue LED being almost permanently on (some sort of malfunction because just touching battery to the prongs would turn the light on), i have had no problems since i got a brand new replacment in may. then about 5 or 6 days ago, i soft reset and my phone went straight to bootloader. odd, but nothing exit_bl cant fix. well i hooked it up, it sent the commands but it didnt do anything. so after some trial and error, i found that after taking the battery out for 10+ minutes, then putting it back in, it would power up. but any type of soft reset, be it manual, psShutXP, Sprite Backup, etc, would send it straight into bootloader. i managed, after much frustration and help from some dudes at xda, to flash back to stock and relock it. i was about to take it in to the store when i decided to flash back to dcd 3.2.2 and 3.42.30 radio. well whatever going to stock did, it fixed it temporarily. up until yesterday that is.
i flashed back to stock and relocked again and called up verizon. theyre sending me a brand new one free of charge tomorrow, but im curious as to how many people have actually had this happen to them.
No2Chem's 2.47 Bootloader