Re: Is my phone dying?
"Static" is the clincher for me to guess that you are having a hardware (vice soft/firmware) problem. Time to take a trip to the phone store.
Re: Is my phone dying?
i haven't tried flashing it, but i have a feeling that's not going to solve anything. i think i'll be looking for a replacement
Re: Is my phone dying?
i just re-flashed my phone and the problem persists. it's something to do with the display because in the S2U2 settings, if anyone's familiar, it's got a nice little touchflow menu to it... well that was sluggish as hell. i'm gonna have to get my phone back to factory settings and just (hopefully) swap it. i am only using no2chem's 5067 ROM, maybe trying the pre# would help since they have the D3D drivers? or do they anymore... i haven't been paying attention as of late.
Re: Is my phone dying?
hmm weird, I get weird "static" when I rotate the screen occassionally and also when I quit out of programs (typically ones that have used a lot of RAM). The "static" is colorful and is definitely some sort of graphical glitch/artifact. It doesn't really affect the performance of my phone though, and everything else is working 100%
Re: Is my phone dying?
i took my phone into the store with a cooked rom on it. i guess i got lucky because they didn't even check it they just swapped it for a new one on the spot.