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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 11:21 PM
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How can I link / sync call history and sms to contacts?

I cannot seem to find anything out there that will do this, but I would love a way to track call history and sms messages for all my contacts and have it sync with Outlook. I know PocketCM can do this on the phone but I am wondering about the possibility of syncing that to Outlook. This would be great to track client calls and billable time etc...

Does anyone have a solution for this?
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Old 07-17-2008, 06:33 AM
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Re: How can I link / sync call history and sms to contacts?

Originally Posted by jmolhava View Post
I cannot seem to find anything out there that will do this, but I would love a way to track call history and sms messages for all my contacts and have it sync with Outlook. I know PocketCM can do this on the phone but I am wondering about the possibility of syncing that to Outlook. This would be great to track client calls and billable time etc...

Does anyone have a solution for this?
I believe......but could be wrong, that Outlook 2007 has this ability or something close to it.....I know I read it somewhere on the site.....keep searching....I do know you can send text messages from 2007....hope that helps a little bit......
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 07:29 AM
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Re: How can I link / sync call history and sms to contacts?

well, dashwire is a good one, but at the moment the call log doesn't show call duration. they have very responsive support, right here on ppcgeeks! so I'm sure they would look into, and possibly implement that.

for outlook you may need outlook business contacts (or something like that)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: How can I link / sync call history and sms to contacts?

there was a program that I used called CallCalendar that did what your looking at for the calls. Does not do the SMS.

Simply put, it creates an entry in your calendar of the incoming call and the call duration as well as outgoing calls and duration. It will sync to your Outlook then and you have a record of it.

I used it alot during some billable projects that required phone support. It was a great way to track phone calls and duration. And the phone number doesn't have to be in your contacts either. If caller is in your contacts, it would put the persons name (and I think the number as well). If caller not in your contacts, it would put just the phone number.

Do a quick google search and you should find it. Or I can upload it to a share space and give the link.
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