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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 10:20 PM
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I've searched around and I'm sorry----I'm mainly a PC guy---am fairly new to PPC.....

Can someone explain some terms to me???

I've spent about an hour looking at different searches from the forum and am flat confused....

Tethering---from what I gather----this is using the Mogul as your "gateway" into the Internet----tethering your Phone to let's say a laptop----virtually anywhere.

But what is ICS and what is WMWiFi??? How do they fit into the equation.

Is there a guide somewhere to do this???
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 10:24 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

ics is internet sharing the program itself and wmwifi router turns ur mogul into a wifi hot spot for a lap top
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Old 07-07-2008, 11:23 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

ICS stands for Internet Connection Sharing

WifiRouter , WMWiFi or ICS Control are the software you use on your Mogul to share the internet to your PC or Laptop

I never used WMWIFI, however, I used both wifiRouter and ICS control before. IMO, WifiRouter is easier to use and ICS control got more advance feature.

Hope that help you.
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Old 07-08-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

I hase Sprint PowerVision Professional and my Data Connection is always on as I synch with an exchange server at work....

So I'm supposed to have "unlimited data".....

Are there any drawbacks or hidden charges to using either method....

I'm a HS baseball coach who spends hours at my field away from ANY type of connection (except my PPC of course----this sounds like a great way to get my laptop hooked up to the internet---and my signal strength at the ballfield is EXCELLENT!

Is this doable???

Which method do you recommend for fastest connections???
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 09:57 AM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

I m using Alltel. So I am not 100% sure about your charges would be.
However, from what I read from here, since all those softwares using ICS, Sprint would not be able to detect you "cheated" on it. There is people report no changes on their bills after using those softwares.
But Sprint going to put cap (if they haven't already done so) on usage to 5gb per month (not so unlimited)

As for which softwares, if you just need it simple and doesn't need something like port forward or connect your device using bluetooth or USB. You should try either Wifirouter or WMWiFi. I never use WMWiFi before, but WifiRouter is pretty easy to use and setup. The latest version is not free. However, version 0.91 or older is free and you can find it here with detail instructions. I am using 0.91 version and is working pretty good for me.

Since those softwares using WIFI of your phone, it will drain your battery pretty fast and deliver quite a lot of heat of the phone which could damage the phone. A piece of advice, plug in the phone to charger while using the softwares and slide the keyboard out, take off the battery cover to let air flow better to reduce hear. If possible, put a small fan behind the phone would be the best.

Hope that help you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 12:31 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

that cap that ^^ he's talking about does not include our phones. the only devices with data caps are the wireless cards. but going over 5gb is hard to do regardless, unless, of course, you torrent. anyway, here WMWiFiRouter the last free version .91.
Attached Files
File Type: zip WMWifiRouter91.CAB.zip (92.2 KB, 604 views) Click for barcode!
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Old 07-08-2008, 08:39 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

wmwifirouter sucks batteries like none other due to the fact that you have to transmit in the cell phone frequency as well as the wifi frequency. This works fine and dandy when you have an AC outlet handy, but if you are on the baseball field with no power, I'd imagine you'd have better luck connecting via USB to save power.

PDAnet works great for this purpose, but it is commercial software. From what I understand there is also a free way to hack the registry to prevent Sprint from detecting tethering.

I trust PDAnet more as it completely bybasses the ICS which decreases the chances of Sprint picking up on my tethering.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 09:02 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

Is ICS (the Version on my Sprint Mogul) Free to use as a Tether???

Data is Data----how could Sprint even propose to track it.

Just some tip off that all of a sudden I was using much more bandwidth.....

Is there something in my license agreement that says I CAN"T do this for free???

I've looked all through the Mogul's manual and I find nothing except it mentions the program "Internet Sharing"
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 09:35 PM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

I could be wrong. I believe I read it here somewhere people saying if you use the "internet sharing" that come with the phone, Sprint would be able to track it and bill you for it. Again, I could be wrong for that.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2008, 01:35 AM
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Re: ICS??--Tethering---WMWiFi???

There is a lot of good threads about this, so if you get confused, you should look around a bit.
Here is a basic rundown as I understand it:
While it seems that data is data, when you connect to Sprint's data services, you actually login with a username and password --> this determines your "NAI". For programs like pocket internet explorer and such, you use your normal power vision data service. Since Phone as Modem is a separate package (it used to be $40/mo...), to use Sprint's PAM services, you would login using a separate PAM specific username and password. These are all built in to the phone, so you don't really type them in ever.
Normally, when you fire up ICS, the stock settings login using your NAI for the PAM plan. If you don't have a PAM plan, you get an error67 (i think). The first workaround for this was to login to data services using PocketIE which uses your powervision credentials and then open ICS. The active data connection just transferred over. You might not have to do this if you are using DirectPush, since your data is always on. However, you might still get a Error67 (if the data connection becomes idle), which can be quite annoying as even a normal soft reset wouldn't always restore even normal cell phone service. Make sure you have a backup of your phone (good programs are Sprite (not Sprint) and SPB Backup) Then it was found that deleting a file called something like rllphone.dll would no longer try to login using PAM credentials, thus you could use ICS directly without a problem. However, this is up to debate, and I can't be 100% sure that is what's happening. Anyhow, if you are willing to spend $34, PDANet by Junefabrics is a great program with good support. It even allows tethering while keeping a voice connection active. It masks your data usage as normal phone browsing, thus forcing the data to be your powervision NAI and not your PAM NAI. Of course there are cracked versions, but that is not supported, and IMO, this is one of those programs that is worth the money.

Last edited by qbunnie; 07-09-2008 at 01:37 AM.
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