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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 11:18 AM
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what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Guys & Gals,
I recently traded my vogue with a coworker for this mogul because I was fusturated due to the lack of a hardware keyboard and wanted to play with wifi.. He had flashed it to 6.1 and the GPS works, however i've noticed that it's running out of memory all the time. I can be on windows live, have seven beta connected (for email push) and be talking on sms and eventually it will slow down and freeze when flipping the screens. Is there a rom out there that manages RAM more efficiently? He said he flashed it to a stock rom but I have no idea.... I miss the vogue which sucks because this is one cool (heavy too) device!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 11:35 AM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

I run no2chem's 5067 WM 6.1 and it runs good.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

I think we need to make it a rule to not post threads like this.

No offense intended, really, but there is no definitive answer to this question. And there never will be.

Physical location of the phone (for internet speeds, phone calls and gps)
-Internet speed will affect a long list of programs, thus, phyisical location of the phone, affects these programs

Other applications - Windows mobile has THOUSANDS of applications available for it, freeware and paid apps. Everyone will have their apps they use personally, and 99% the list of apps one person uses, will not be exactly the same apps anyone else will be using (factoring in app VERSIONS makes this even more complicated)
-These apps are affected by different roms, usually.

The manner in which you use your phone, is going to be different for each person who owns the same phone.
-You might like to have APP B open while you have APP A running in the background. Someone else might like to only use one app at a time, so speed differences and experiences will vary wildly because of this as well. (open apps use ram, more ram being used, less there is available for new apps being opened.. this can decrease performance)


I don't feel it neccesary to continue, as I'd assume you get the picture

A good example of what I mean, will show up as this thread gets responses. Meaning there will be different "answers".
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

everyone will give you different answers because it's a very personal decision. I've been personally running DCD's 3.0.1 because I find it's the best at managing memory and it's very stable. however, I can say that you should experiment with different bases (if you are cooking your own ROM) or ROMs by different cooks until you find one that works best for you.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 12:58 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Point taken. I have the "stock" WM 6.1 sprint rom and I run System Seven (beta) for push mail and have SPB phone installed. Besides that, I basically text, email and use IE and I notice that my memory goes from 70% to 96% before it basically stops responding. This can occur after as little as two hours of use... In anyone's experience would no2chem's rom be better for my use? Also, is system seven a memory hog (or leaker)? I never had trouble with it on my touch but it had more ram too...

Last edited by avoges; 06-30-2008 at 01:01 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:05 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Originally Posted by paravis View Post
I think we need to make it a rule to not post threads like this.

No offense intended, really, but there is no definitive answer to this question. And there never will be.

Physical location of the phone (for internet speeds, phone calls and gps)
-Internet speed will affect a long list of programs, thus, phyisical location of the phone, affects these programs

Other applications - Windows mobile has THOUSANDS of applications available for it, freeware and paid apps. Everyone will have their apps they use personally, and 99% the list of apps one person uses, will not be exactly the same apps anyone else will be using (factoring in app VERSIONS makes this even more complicated)
-These apps are affected by different roms, usually.

The manner in which you use your phone, is going to be different for each person who owns the same phone.
-You might like to have APP B open while you have APP A running in the background. Someone else might like to only use one app at a time, so speed differences and experiences will vary wildly because of this as well. (open apps use ram, more ram being used, less there is available for new apps being opened.. this can decrease performance)


I don't feel it neccesary to continue, as I'd assume you get the picture

A good example of what I mean, will show up as this thread gets responses. Meaning there will be different "answers".
Actually, I totally disagree with you. I learned what I did about the different roms, and made subsequent choices for my own roms, because of threads exactly like this one.

People will undoubtedly answer with specific reasons why they like a rom more than another, as the poster above, which will help the OP determine the type that would be best for him/her to try first. I normally would have gone into much more detail as to why I am running no2chem's rom in my first post, but it is Monday and I was on my way into the first of 5 meetings today, and just didn't have the time to do so.

Ultimately we are all new to flashing roms at some point. No one was born with the inherent ability to flash their phone at the age of 18 months. So to get a feel from other PPC owners, with varying degrees of expertise, is a normal thing. IMHO it makes total sense and shows that the OP values our opinion.

The only thing that I would say about this post is that the OP could have found a wealth of information if they had searched first. Other than that, I don't see a big deal about wondering what to do next. Remember, the only stuipid question is the one left unasked.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
Actually, I totally disagree with you. I learned what I did about the different roms, and made subsequent choices for my own roms, because of threads exactly like this one.

People will undoubtedly answer with specific reasons why they like a rom more than another, as the poster above, which will help the OP determine the type that would be best for him/her to try first. I normally would have gone into much more detail as to why I am running no2chem's rom in my first post, but it is Monday and I was on my way into the first of 5 meetings today, and just didn't have the time to do so.

Ultimately we are all new to flashing roms at some point. No one was born with the inherent ability to flash their phone at the age of 18 months. So to get a feel from other PPC owners, with varying degrees of expertise, is a normal thing. IMHO it makes total sense and shows that the OP values our opinion.

The only thing that I would say about this post is that the OP could have found a wealth of information if they had searched first. Other than that, I don't see a big deal about wondering what to do next. Remember, the only stuipid question is the one left unasked.
Yeah, I guess I could have searched... however, I want to use a rom that works with the radio rev, etc. I don't know - do they all work with this? I know on the vogue once you upgrade the radio you can't always work with every rom and the sprint upgrade had a new radio.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:10 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Originally Posted by avoges View Post
Point taken. I have the "stock" WM 6.1 sprint rom and I run System Seven (beta) for push mail and have SPB phone installed. Besides that, I basically text, email and use IE and I notice that my memory goes from 70% to 96% before it basically stops responding. This can occur after as little as two hours of use... In anyone's experience would no2chem's rom be better for my use? Also, is system seven a memory hog (or leaker)? I never had trouble with it on my touch but it had more ram too...
I don't use System Seven as I sync to my company's Exchange server for work email and use IMAP on my own server for other email addresses. But I will say that I have used vetvito's, DCD's and now no2chem's roms over the last few months (in retrospect, I might have a rom flashing issue... anyone know of a 12 step group in my area?) and I like the way no2chem's 5067 build runs best overall.

I watch my memory pretty carefully though. I close apps when I am done with them and also use Oxios Memory at least a couple of times a day. That said, I never have a problem with memory or opening/switching applications.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:16 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Originally Posted by avoges View Post
Yeah, I guess I could have searched... however, I want to use a rom that works with the radio rev, etc. I don't know - do they all work with this? I know on the vogue once you upgrade the radio you can't always work with every rom and the sprint upgrade had a new radio.
I am not complaining that you didn't search so please don't take it that way. Though many around here will...

No2chem's 5067 build has been around for awhile, runs solid, and I have no issues with Rev A or GPS. I would suggest that you take what you get out of this thread and then do the following:

1. Download 2-3 roms from different people that look like they will work for your needs.
2. Flash the one that you think looks the best for your use, and run it for a few days.
3. If for even a minute you start to think that the rom may not be for you, flash a different one. Don't hesitate, just go for it.
4. Figure out which rom does what you want, then watch for updates from that cook.
5. After a little while, jump in and get the kitchen (http://ppckitchen.org) and cook your own kitchen with your favorite rom.

If you have more specific questions, or get stuck, let me know and I will do everything that I can to help. PM works best as I am all over these forums...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: what's the best (fastest) rom for a sprint mogul?

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
I am not complaining that you didn't search so please don't take it that way. Though many around here will...

No2chem's 5067 build has been around for awhile, runs solid, and I have no issues with Rev A or GPS. I would suggest that you take what you get out of this thread and then do the following:

1. Download 2-3 roms from different people that look like they will work for your needs.
2. Flash the one that you think looks the best for your use, and run it for a few days.
3. If for even a minute you start to think that the rom may not be for you, flash a different one. Don't hesitate, just go for it.
4. Figure out which rom does what you want, then watch for updates from that cook.
5. After a little while, jump in and get the kitchen (http://ppckitchen.org) and cook your own kitchen with your favorite rom.

If you have more specific questions, or get stuck, let me know and I will do everything that I can to help. PM works best as I am all over these forums...
OK, I will take your advice and I will do exactly that. Thank you for your advice! I'll report feedback on the roms as well.

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