Re: Windows Key
yes go into settings\personal\buttos and do it from there or download ae button plus for more advanced manipulation like diabling it
AE Button EXE: http://ae.inc.ru/download/AEBPlus.zip AE Button CAB: http://ae.inc.ru/download/AEBPlus.CAB AE Button ZIP CAB: http://ae.inc.ru/download/AEBPlus.CAB.zip You can buy the product athttp://ae.inc.ru/aebplusbuy.php I have never tried it because i use this product for very short periods of time but here is the freeware version... as an EXE: http://ae.inc.ru/aebp101/AEBPlus.zip and CAB: http://ae.inc.ru/aebp101/AEBPlus.arm.CAB