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Old 06-25-2008, 12:27 AM
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Sprint Setup after Hard Reset

Hola, I've had my mogul since October and I love it. I've read on this site that just about everyone reccomends doing a soft reset after installing a new rom to avoid the sprint setup. My question is, what's different by not letting this setup run? I understand that the phone runs 'better', but I don't want to do it and find out I am no longer able to use certain features of my phone. I basically need a rundown of the pros and cons. I use sprint navigation just about everyday, so I definatley don't want to lose that.

And while I'm on the topic... since each rom is designed for a specific phone and a specific carrier, why don't the sprint customizations just come built into the rom? Why do they have a separate process for installing them? Seems a bit redundant to me, but then again we are talking about Sprint.
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