First, a bit of background. I just got a 6800 coming from a 6700. While the hardware is much better than the 6700's, the software side is lacking. One thing the 6700 had that the 6800 doesn't is the ability to have multiple key presses recognized by emulators thanks to emulamer's keyboard fix. A slight workaround is to use the 6800's dpad but the keypad presses don't seem 100% reliable and the dpad doesn't allow diagonals. Not a great solution for the hard core gamer on the go.
So after a bit of surfing, I came across MisterToad's site:
He outlines the problem and fix for his i730. The work is based on the great emulamer's 6700 keyboard fix. The best part is that the source code to both his i730 fix and emulamer's 6700 fix is available! So a lot of the leg work for a potential 6800 fix has been done. My assumption is that the main work now would involve mapping the 6800's cpu keypad matrix. But here's where things may bog down. Unlike the well documented Intel Xscale processors in the i730 an 6700, the 6800 uses the Qualcomm 7500. This is the same chip at the heart of the HTC video driver class action movement. There really isn't a lot of developer info on this chip out in the open.
Any PPC Geek/xda developer/pdaphone coder out there tired of lame gaming on his or her 6800 want to take a crack at this? Of course, if this is ever solved, there is still the problem of the bad frame rates due to the video driver issue...