saving entire settings on Mogul
Well, after 4 hours of hard resets and redownloading all of my settings (sounds, today screen setup, contacts) etc. i was wondering if there is a program to simplify the process and save all of your settings to the mogul. I would like something that can save:contacts, sounds, texts,button config, alarms, softare, basically anything i installed and setup.
I've been using PimBackup without any issues at all the last 2 months. Today once i ran a restore of my backup, my dial pad would just freeze up. I would get the error report screen naturally. So i started hard resets until i found it was PimBackup that was causing the issues.
How i resolved it was to only restore my contacts the first go around. Check my dial pad, and then restore my text messages seperatley. Check the dial pad again, Success!
Has anyone encountered issues with PimBackup? I've tried searching and couldn't find any issues from users. BTW i'm using the newest Sprint ROM. too scared to try of the other ROMS. i'm stuck with this phone for at least a year now..
I really used to like the Mogul, the company i work for supplies our field techs with them. i was hesitant to go and buy one for my personal use. Now that i did, i'm wondering if i made the right decision. Our work units are setup without a phone numbeer-datat plan only. It's not until i used mine with an actual phone number that all of the issues have played a factor in my dislike for the unit.