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Old 04-30-2008, 07:38 PM
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Slider keyboard long term durability?

New owner here. I've had my sprint branded titan for less than a month. I can already tell the keyboard has loosened up, it over contracts when slid shut so it doesn't line up (the face of the mogul doesn't align up with the bottom). My SO who got the phone when I did but haven't used it as much does not have this problem.

Is mine a defective unit or is this pretty typical. If it's typical how bad will it get for the two years I'm planning to have this phone?

I've search around, and from lack of posts it seems like it isn't much of a problem.
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Old 04-30-2008, 07:53 PM
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Re: Slider keyboard long term durability?

I was actually concerned about this as well. Anything with a mechanical component is bound to experience some wear over time. However, I don’t think I’ve heard much about your problem occurring in such a short amount of time. I’ve had mine for a little over a month now, but it still opens and closes with the same snappiness it had from day 1 (at least, when I remove the Seidio case). Before buying the Mogul, I asked my friend who bought the 8525 from AT&T (then Cingular) over the summer about this slider issue. Even by January, he had not noticed any looseness.

If you’re concerned about this, I recommend installing PCM Keyboard. Some may see this as defeating the purpose of buying the Mogul, but I find myself using both the hardware keyboard and the on-screen keyboard equally. The on-screen keyboard is great if you only have one hand available.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-30-2008, 08:59 PM
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Re: Slider keyboard long term durability?

my screen has gone thru a pretty decent breaking-in period since i got it in november... but my screen still slides well and without any wiggling or overlap when closed...
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