Re: Self induced brick
Cripes alive I 'fixed' it. I was reading about some peeps having to hold down the power button and the camera button.... So I got to thinking about that and how the most recent thing I did to the phone before the problem was wall charging it.
So here's what happened I took the battery out and just used the wall charger, no luck, i tried a number of other combinations with battery/charger/button combo...
what finally worked was battery out, hold down the comm button, the light was red at this time, plug the battery in still holding down the button, the light went orange.... let go of the comm button, but it wouldnt turn on.(screen stayed blank and the power/talk/all other buttons had no effect)... did a soft reset, and it came back up.... I'm gonna file all of this under wtf and hope it never happens again, and that this helps some one.
Last edited by Bummonk; 04-29-2008 at 06:20 PM.