Re: Help,,,With Sliding Sound
You can use the SlideSound App developed by one of our members Tiermann. it can be found at the following link:
http://tiermann.com/index.php?option...0Apps&Itemid=2 and the discussion about it on ppcgeeks is here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=7019
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Re: Help,,,With Slinding Sound
SlideSound is for apache.
For HTC Sliding Sound i've created a replacement control panel, found in my signature.
Projects: (SlideSound) (Personal OEMizer (1.4.0 )) (TDial Designer (v1.1.1 )) (TierAutoinstall (1.9)) and more...
HTC Sliding Sound Control Panel replacement. | SprintTV on Mogul? Donations appreciated |
Re: Help,,,With Slinding Sound
sorry B1zzybone, didnt realize that didnt work with Mogul anymore. but he got you straight now, i've personally used the slide control panel and it works good.