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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 10:39 AM
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My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Just wanted to share what happened to me today...

So I was driving to work this morning, running late, and trying to make up for lost time. It was a nice day so I had my windows open about halfway in my wife's mini-van. As I was taking a curve in the road, at about 45 mph, I watch in horror as my Mogul pops itself out of the little dashboard niche and slides right across the dashboard, right across the top of the steering wheel, and right out the window. I turned to watch it hit the road and it didn't look good. Not even in the least.

Panic insued. What had I done? My prized phone was destroyed. I had lost everything. All my hard work was gone. I had just gotten it the way I wanted it. Custom rom and all the software working perfectly together. Damn me for not being more careful. Damn me for not getting a recent backup. Damn me straight to Hell.

So I pull into the very next driveway and run back on foot. Not walk, run. There I was with my 6'3" and 250 pound self running to my poor Mogul. There it lay on the side of the road, keyboard out, battery on the ground next to it. I picked it up and saw very litttle incidental damage to the case, in one corner, and for a moment my hopes were raised. Then I looked at the battery and saw a big dent in the corner. Not good for those batteries, but hey, why not try it? So I popped the battery in and powered it up.

To my shock, it worked. The screen wasn't scratched at all. Not even a little one. I opened a new email and typed every character on the sweet little keyboard and they all worked. Even the function and caps lock buttons worked. I made a call and it worked. I asked the person at my office to call me back and it worked. Seconds later I got a new email from my exchange server through push mail. I tried GPS and it worked. It all worked. And yes I checked all this on the side of a busy road. I had to know.

So I got back in my wife's cursed mini-van and went to work. True my battery is badly dented and I need a new one. True my battery cover is gone, because I couldn't find it anywhere on the side of the road (they are so thin I think it took flight like a paper airplane). But my sexy little Mogul is still plugging away. So I am going to buy a new battery and a new battery cover and call it a day. If it starts acting up later I can always claim it under insurance. But for now, it is all working.

I got lucky. I learned a lesson. And now I have a complete backup and will be more careful with my Mogul, especially in my wife's demon possessed mini-van.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

yeah, the mogul is one tough SOB i aint gonna lie! when i had mine, i beat that thing up(unintentionally). But it kept a lickin and kept on tickin.

LMFAO its like when your phone is fallin, everything goes in slow motion.

When my mogul fell out of my pouch while i was running,

everything got about 6 times slower while it was falling....

i was like "N O O O O O O" (while diving trying to catch it) lol

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 10:55 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
LMFAO its like when your phone is fallin, everything goes in slow motion.

When my mogul fell out of my pouch while i was running,

everything got about 6 times slower while it was falling....

i was like "N O O O O O O" (while diving trying to catch it) lol
That is no joke. It was like a scene from the Matrix. I saw it, switched hands on the steering wheel, tried to stop it on the dashboard and missed it. Then I instinctively dropped my hand down below the window, on the inside, thinking "it will never go out the window..."

And when it did I did exactly what you did (with a different choice of words)... "O O O H H H <you can guess what I said next>"

LMAO... the things we do for our phones...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 11:02 AM
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Exclamation Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
Then I looked at the battery and saw a big dent in the corner. Not good for those batteries
For that I'd change the battery at least, I think it is not save!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

DANG!!! Lucky is not the word i'm happy things werent any worse... that would be the worst thing ever to see my mogul slide off my dash and out the window in one fell swoop...
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Old 04-22-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

I noticed that whenever mine slips out my hand or something and starts falling and I try to catch it that thing starts bouncing around in my hands like a rubber ball or something and goes all around my body before i finally get control over it. It feels like its flying around forever lol.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 11:15 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Originally Posted by mikehatch View Post
I noticed that whenever mine slips out my hand or something and starts falling and I try to catch it that thing starts bouncing around in my hands like a rubber ball or something and goes all around my body before i finally get control over it. It feels like its flying around forever lol.

that ish is soooooo true! Its like trying to catch a hot potato with slippery hands
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Yea i cant imagine how i look doing that trying to catch my phone dance
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 11:19 AM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

Originally Posted by mikehatch View Post
Yea i cant imagine how i look doing that trying to catch my phone dance
haha we should make a song and video with this and coin it the "CMP"..

haha the catch my phone dance!!

i must be really bored here at work lol
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2008, 12:04 PM
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Re: My Mogul is One Tough S.O.B.

I was out riding last week on my bicycle, luckily had my mogul in its plastic snap on case. Crashed at 20mph and tucked and rolled my way to a stop. I did not break any major bones and noticed my jacket pocket had been torn where my phone is stashed. I pulled out my phone and to my amazement, even with some body weight the phone is fine. Case is a bit scuffed but since I had the case all is well.
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