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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2008, 04:21 PM
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Gps starts does not run

So after I updated my rom, gps test is only able to get to "gps starting" and isn't able to initialize the gps. Same with GPs viewer. Basically it shows satelites but does not find position or something. ON the leaked rom it worked fine.

Any help?
Thanks a lot
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2008, 05:49 PM
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Re: Gps starts does not run

may need to reset it...

mine stops working after a while; i do a soft reset and it seems to work again.
it usually does this if i try to get a lock indoors, i'll have to reboot before it'll get a lock again if it never finds one the first time
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2008, 05:58 PM
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Re: Gps starts does not run

Use QuickGPS to prime the GPS... it works much better for me. I have attached the files for you and here is the directions I put in another thread:

1. Download both files to your computer, then extract them.
2. Create a new folder called HTC QuickGPS and put all three of the extracted files (HTC_QuickGPS.cab, QuickGPS.exe, QuickGPS.reg) in the new folder .
3. Sync your Mogul and copy the HTC QuickGPS folder to your storage card.
4. Open a file explorer on your Mogul, other than the stock one in WM6. I personally use Resco File Explorer 2007 because it allows you to overwrite files, has a registry and FTP plugin, etc. Whtever you use, it must allow you to overwrite files.
5. Navigate to your storage card and then to the HTC QuickGPS folder you just copied there from your PC.
6. Install QuickGPS by clicking on the HTC_QuickGPS.cab file.
7. Click on the QuickGPS.reg file and you will be prompted wether or not you want to import these registry settings. Click Yes.
8. Copy the QuickGPS.exe file to the \Windows directory in main memory.
9. Open PIE, Opera or another app on your Mogul that opens an Internet connection (I did not have to do this for it to work, I presume that is because I use Activesync for push from my Exchange server).
10. Open QuickGPS and click the Download button.
11. Tap the X to minimize QuickGPS (you may be able to close it completely, I have not tested that yet).
12. Open your GPS app and be amazed at how fast you get lock, no matter whether you are inside or outdoors.

I hope this helps all of you having problems getting this installed. If you have problems or questions, feel free to post or PM me.
Attached Files
File Type: zip HTC_QuickGPS.CAB.zip (247.7 KB, 99 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip QuickGPS_Patched.zip (137.4 KB, 89 views) Click for barcode!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2008, 06:21 PM
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Re: Gps starts does not run

or just use BAF gps toggle today plugin, works fast, small footprint.

BAF GPS toggle plugin
Evo 4G Powered by Dev-Host roms
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