issue w/ notifications queue
I have memmaid 2.0 installed and when I use it to clean my Mogul I check the notifications queue now and again. Everytime I do, there are extra entries there, that I delete (as I have no idea wth they're for).
Anyhow here's an example of one (sometimes there are upwards of 10 of these, similar to this one). I tried to search to figure out how to get rid of it, or what's causing it. I just hard reset my mogul yesterday (it was doing this prior), and it's still doing it (this wasn't the reason for the reset, but still, it's still doing it).
The message (at least the ONE that's there now, since I deleted the others says);
If I click on it, at the lower portion on memmaid it says;
When: Run at time
Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 2:59:39 AM
All of these that appear have oddball "run times" that are well in advance a month or more.
I don't have anything off the wall installed (HTC Home Pluging, HTC Home Customizer, Cody's Threaded SMS, Memmaid, Sktools, Google Maps).. so I have no idea what's making this continue to generate these "notifications" - can someone assist me, or lead me in the right direction?