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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 12:26 AM
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Question Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I wonder how many of you are in the same situation as I am? Ever so close to giving up on the PPC series of phones.

I happen to have come to the game late, picking up a PPC6700 when they first came out, spending the required hours on pdaphonehome.com learning to tweak the phone. Moving obver to PPCGeeks as the group expanded. ROMs, flashes and finally kitchens. My phone was never the same for longer than two weeks. And yet it never quite worked right.

On to the 6800, and much the same story. Always waiting for that next flash, blown away by the time and effort put in by the guys putting together ROMs, and then still finding it's "not quite there".

I am a little surprised that the HTCs and Sprints of the world cannot come up with a better offering. I don't know if it is a lack of real world testing, or too much red tape, designers not talking to engineers. I guess there is something to be said for the closed nature of the iphone, it lacks GPS, and 3G and other tools, but at least it works at what it claims to be.

The more I flash, the less things I reinstall. I am now down to Slingplayer, eWallet, MSLive. Gone are iGuidance, games, Newsbreak, Skype, phonealram and countless others.
Here I am sitting on a 3.16 ROM with 6.1, and contacts still freezes up. The GPS locks up, screen rotate takes seconds, the screen turns on for no obvious reason, I could go on.

I am ready to go back to a phone that, oh I don't know, just works... Maybe I am just getting old, but the trouble you have to go to to get a tiny improvement in productivity from this phone is no longer worth it for me.

It probably is worth it for you, otherwise you wouldn't be on this forum any longer. But I wonder if someday you might get to the same point.

Maybe tomorrow will be the day I eBay this thing...

Probably not, i'll spend another hour reading up on how to improve it

Last edited by Rally1; 02-26-2008 at 12:28 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 02:23 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I am coming from a treo 755...hopefully i can learn to like the Mogul (and WInOS)...Palm OS does everything I need it to do --just getting bored of the phone.

I understand how you feel though. I tried migrating from a PalmOS to a 6700 a while back, it was a no go for me..hopefully the Mogul is better with Rev A and GPS
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 02:24 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I think part of your problem is the fact that you actually update to new roms all the time. You seem like you will never be satisfied with your phone. I am sitting here on the leaked 3.16 with FULLY working GPS, FULL Rev. A speeds, No contacts freezing up, push email, etc. You update to roms which are put together piecemeal from all sorts of roms and even different phones and which are not beta tested, and then complain that there are glitches. Just stick with a stable rom, and customize it so it is both fast and functional.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 02:42 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

Im a habitual tweaker, and that goes for windows OS to winmo to psp to anything else i can experiment on.

As much as i feel that the mogul is half @ssed by sprint, i also am happy i have something i can mess around with, which is unlike other phones that are buggy and theres nothing to do about it (not to vindicate the mogul...)

The thing about ppl like us (or atleast me), we can try to get something simple, but we will never be pleased with it, im telling you this to save money, do not get something that "just works". You will regret every moment of it. Get something thats on par or better than what you had if your gonna get something else, even the iphone aint bad, just dont get some standardized revolving door samsung flip or nokia #435.

I hate to give a suggestion, but try dcd's 2.3.1 rom, ive never been happier with my moguls performance until now.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 02:54 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I understand that to a point, but how did Sprint half-ass the phone? If anything HTC left out some memory that they should have had in the phone, but that is about it. I can do such ridiculously awesome things with my Mogul, I cannot see how anyone wouldnt be pleased with it. The Iphone is a joke compared to the Titan, it cannot even come close.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 06:29 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I left winmo after I realized I spent more time customizing my phone, flashing roms, and tweaking, then I did actually enjoying and using the phone. I left, albeit by force my P4350 was crushed. So saved up and almost purchased a TyTN II but backed out and sprung for a Nokia N95. I just wanted a phone that worked, had everything I wanted yadda yadda.

Well the N95 is sitting on the counter, and I am awaiting a buyer. What does that tell you?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 06:31 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I would almost kill to have the 'ability' to use something like a Samsung A727...

Unfortunately.. I need the ability to communicate quickly... direct push, other email, text... there isn't another phone that I know of that i can do these things so quickly on. Other than the AT&T Tilt.

My Mogul running nuerom is fairly close to perfect for me. Still not as good as my Apache was... I use BT a lot... still have BT issues with my 6800... mostly because the phone is slow. I can press the button on my jawbone, and wait 3-4-5-6 seconds for the phone to reply... most of the time, it's a missed call.

But, I understand the trade off to always having to carry a phone charger and living with the phone.... tethering, GPS, etc.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 10:02 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

Originally Posted by Rally1 View Post
I wonder how many of you are in the same situation as I am? Ever so close to giving up on the PPC series of phones.
Improve it less, use it more.
I'm running the stock 2.17 rom - everything works great, phone is reliable as hell, and everything I want/need works fine on it. It's better then the 6700, runs twice as long, and does exactly what its supposed to do.

I dunno, maybe its an expectation thing?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

I agree completely with the OP..In fact, I've been looking in to getting a "third" phone for a while now, however I keep stopping as I don't want to pay more monthly fees.

Problem is, I love fooling around with my Mogul..testing roms, software, registry tweaks..it's entertainment for me, as I'm sure it is for most people here.

However I have found myself very dissapointed and annoyed with this thing. If it weren't for the entertainment value from tweaking it, I would've dumped this thing a loooong time ago.

FYI, I've messed around with a friend's centro - that device is killer. I'm quite tempted, honestly - it just works - and works very well, at that.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: Why one might sell their Mogul for a "normal" phone.

Get an iPhone. Seriously...I have nothing against them, nor should anyone else here. It is a quality phone. Modding the phone is easy as dloading 1 program and clicking 1 button, literally. Then you are done, and you have an entire community at your fingertips with the easiest way of installing stuff you have ever layed eyes on. It is simple, easy, fast, and painless. Get an iPhone.

I have an iPhone I use as my ipod. I went with an 8gb iPhone instead of a 16 gb touch because it has a camera and external speaker. I just dont have service going to it One more lost iPhone for apple. Muahaha.
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