windows live email/sync help needed
I am new to this phone/windows mobile and I have searched for a fix to this but I couldn't find anything for it, the keywords are a little too common i think.
I use my live email account to get push email on my phone and it only seems to stay connected for like 30 seconds now. I tried to set the sync for every 15 minutes to at least get it to reconnect that way, but it always resets the sync settings to manual when I go back in to check it. The only app that I have added lately was live search but I don't know if that would effect it at all. I also have installed call block, slick, mundu, im+, spb pocket plus, pocket weather, google maps, opera, spb imageer, resco picture viewer, and total commander.
Since I am looking for help, maybe i could get an answer to some other little questions I have.
Is there any way to make it so the screen doesn't turn on everytime the phone goes from evdo to 1x?
I have vista and installed the official 2.17 rom as soon as I activated the phone, before adding any apps or anything. before I had a palm, so when i updated or had to do a hard reset I could just sync again it would sync all my apps back on there. Does it do that with windows mobile, or do I have to manually install every app back on?
And could someone link me some easy install instuctions for custom roms with vista?
I know this is all a lot to ask in one thread, and I appreciate any help. I am just pretty excited over the new phone and its abilities over my old palm.