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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2008, 07:50 PM
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Cool n00b needs some clearing up please!

I’m sorry for asking something that I know is n00b. I hate doing that, I have searched and played around and around without much luck. So I have a few simple questions about my setup and the way the programs are acting. I am running an Alltel HTC PPC-6800 WM6 I got yesterday because I returned the faulty one I got last week, my first smart phone so bare with me please. I am on ROM v 2.14.617.3 I will update to the
dcd_2.0.0_beta_alltelHard-SPL-MFGRUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_2.09.651.3_1.32.00_SPCS_NV124 _new_Shiptitan_radio_3.27.00
soon as I finish everything else and know what I am doing.

1st up is Slide to unlock. I used the app first in version .94 without any flaws. But there have been many updates since then. So I update to 1.21 and patched iLock.exe with 1.26. Ok slide works, but running 1.21+ when I slide the phone open it unlocks instead of switching to landscape. Or if you lock the phone in landscape it doesn’t switch to portrait it unlocks. So what’s wrong that .94 worked right and 1.21+ dose not? Ok more, what happened to settings.exe to config slide to unlock now you have to do it all thru the registry, why would anyone ever do that? Ok I downloaded Resco reg edit so I could do this all is dandy just annoying. I have pocket weather working on it however.

I have flow touch installed so I did add the iLock and Slide exe files into the exempt file. Because last time before I hard reset my phone to get a new one due to hardware issues s2u interfered with my touch cube interface.

Home themes and tsk files?
On my last setup I was running the HTC touch cube interface ported version, HTC home removed and ran iPhone theme with S2U, Flow Touch, Gcalc, iPhone dialer, PCM, Java, Opera, picsel, RL today, Flash player plug-in, Happy tapping key board, HTC streaming media, TCPMP, wisbar.

I realized I just wasn’t happy with it. I liked it but I felt I could design my own setup better. I learned more playing with it about what programs were not for me and just were in the way. So today since I get a new phone I went on a mission to figure out how to make a tsk file. Now I came up with that I wanted the blue flame clock and found it came from HTC Home customize and RC Mod. I downloaded the program got my clock I love it. But that’s all I want. It has more items on it I changed everything to transparent but there is still the 3 mail sms phone icons and some lines to box in the outline for the main icons I have on transparent. How can I get rid of this and have just the clock? Can I move the clock around? I also came up with Theme Generator for Windows CE.

In that I went and designed my own tsk file for my back grounds awesome happy with that.

I want to design my own task bar do I have to use wisbar for this? I thought it was clunky and a mem hog.

I’ve yet to find my own iphone style dialer to make my own back ground theme for. Any luck? I think it may be bullfrog? But I have yet to search to download it. I will edit some of the iPhone themes to work on my tsk setup with the HTC Home clock to have my own take on the iPhone setup +++. Have some great ideas trust me J

I plan on doing this and figuring out how to pack everything I did together to post it up for other people to use. So they can have my exact phone when I get everything worked out.

Next is contact grouping and SMS! So I have all my contacts in outlook and categorized them in outlook. The category shows up in my phone and the contacts in it. Super! But wait I want to send an SMS text to some people but to make it easy I want to send it to all the people in that contact category/group! But I cant figure out how!

Contacts what else is weird about them. Ok they don’t all sync! Why? I have 100 contacts but only like 80 of them will go over to my phone. How do I get the rest of them on without manually adding them? I tried deleting and reimporting the .csv but no luck.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 12:23 AM
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Can't help with most stuff, but S2U 1.21 isn't the latest. That version has been abandoned. Try this link instead:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by nursemm05 View Post
Can't help with most stuff, but S2U 1.21 isn't the latest. That version has been abandoned. Try this link instead:
Thank you I was able to figure out what I was screwing up with the version list of s2u.

Anyone else on the rest?
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