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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Given that bluetooth GPS units are now selling for less the $50, it's not that big of a deal

Interesting reply from sprint - so I guess my Tilt (gsm) test in the UK isn't going to count for much.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 09:28 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Does the HTC Touch MP6900 have the GPS Chipset in it? Would these new ROM's work in this unit? I have flashed the new stock rom from Alltel and it is now ver. 3.04.671.2 and Radio is 3.37.10. Will all of these programs for the Titan work with my unit? Thank you and this is a very informative discussion on the thread.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 12:47 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by Stevevo View Post
Does the HTC Touch MP6900 have the GPS Chipset in it? Would these new ROM's work in this unit? I have flashed the new stock rom from Alltel and it is now ver. 3.04.671.2 and Radio is 3.37.10. Will all of these programs for the Titan work with my unit? Thank you and this is a very informative discussion on the thread.
The Touch has its own ROM that will support GPS, as it does have a GPS chipset. If you have not traversed there I would suggest you start in that direction. I would not try flashing your Touch with a Titan ROM.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2008, 01:34 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Given that bluetooth GPS units are now selling for less the $50, it's not that big of a deal

Interesting reply from sprint - so I guess my Tilt (gsm) test in the UK isn't going to count for much.
It's a big deal from the standpoint of having to carry an extra unit (for something that's built into the phone). Becides, I lost (left in hotel room) my $50 Holux M1000 earlier in the year and have been relying on the updated ROM for my guidance. Other than outside the US, it's been performing well
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2008, 09:45 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Well interesting reading while googling the QuickGPS app...


To get a GPS fix, your gps has to download the full Ephemeris data from the gps sats (full standalone) or from cell towers (sprint's doing this - more or less) or from quickGPS (at&t & other HTCs do this - there is a region="XX" registry entry for QuickGPS - mine said "US", I changed it to "UK" and re-downloaded... still got a very fast fix in the US but then I had already gotten the initial fix for today....)

Now, the really interesting thing is, the gps itself has to know where it is in the world, in a general sense, to get the ball rolling if its fully standalone, since it needs to find some sats to start downloading the position data.... If it does NOT know where it is (if its been moved so far that none of the sats it saw at last fix are visible) then it can take a very very long time to do the first fix.

Its *possible* that the general location might even be fixed or locked... and if so, it will indeed never get a fix since it will keep trying to put itself into the general location on earth that it is locked to. Maybe that's what we're seeing with the (US ONLY) mogul?
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2008, 02:50 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

thanks, wishes I had evernote when I did all my research over winter.. for references..
but remember the overwhelming reference to massive computing power to completely generate a standalone lock. I assume the commercial gps's have regions preset that it cycles through on no lock timeout.

can't wait for you to leave already..... someone to discect this issue a litte more.. if only i could get my programing guru in italy to take an intrest in ppc's.

anyway, i posted this earlier.
Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
ok, although I have not waded thru the "new official sprint rom" thread, but I am running this on one of my phones to troubleshoot the new version of navizon.

looked at my reg and found this; "EnablePDEIPFromNV"
that's new! anybody know what it is? or does?

update; google " PDE IP " been around a while I guess.... still reading for more info....
I realized I may have accidentally flashed the vouge rom, and that's where that reg entry is from, but it's still an interesting difference i think..
I did try to find a public pdeip server with no luck.
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Last edited by shaggylive; 07-09-2008 at 02:53 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2008, 05:20 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Just posting a quick bulletin that comes from users a couple pages back. Many of you have questions about your GPSone chip working overseas. Here's something you all should know. Looking at Qualcomm's page about GpsOne http://www.qctconnect.com/products/gpsone.html, the chipset is GPS technology only as far as the satellites are concerned. This means it is not WAAS enabled according to their descriptions. The reason for it's accuracy is a kind of WAAS system that relies on cell towers (LBS) rather than advanced programming, seperate systems, manual points of reference etc. A problem with this is that overseas, you don't have GPS. You have EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) that works Europes gps system. You also have GLONASS (GLObal'naya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema) that is the Russian version. Also in development is Galileo which is being formed by the European Union, which may replace or supplement EGNOS. So, for GpsOne users that have things setup here in the US, your programming is set for GPS service that may have WAAS for accuracy. All your programs are programmed for that. Some are programmed for your LBS capabilities to get the urban areas that satellites currently don't reach. If you're going overseas, consider getting a program that uses EGNOS or GLONASS instead of GPS with/without WAAS. Those may easily be picked up and the GpsOne chipset since they had a global market in mind (LBS for GSM). If you're relying on Delorme or other programs, you're stuck in the mud.
Also, the chipset supports 4 modes of operation. 3 of these modes involve having towers available for LBS accuracy. Only one is left for standalone sky only service. Nothing is posted describing how this chipset works, but I would assume it is set to automatically determine the best solution for it's fix. This means that if the chip detects towers are available, it will use them. If not, it won't. There may be some software flags that can be sent to the chipset telling it what to do/look for. If I were programmers, I would be for determining what the interface to the chip is. If there is a set of software flags that can enable/disable the LBS modes, this should help in streamlining how the chip starts up and how fast it does it.
Hopefully this helps some and sparks ideas in others.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2008, 01:28 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

AT&T Tilt with gpsOne chip (but gsm radio) - locked in under 3 minutes while still in heathrow terminal in UK. GPS works great.

The tilt uses the QuickGPS thing, and I had edited the registry to tell it I was in the UK before I left (per my earlier post) - this is with the same TomTom app I use on the mogul and the ipaq (below)

Who knows what the problem is with the mogul.

Oh, and my dedicated HP iPaq rx5900 Travel Companion got a lock after about 5 minutes outside.
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Old 07-10-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Schettj, where is that registry setting you changed? I'm in Poland on business until the 25th, and would like to try your change on my Titan. Do you think changing it to PL would work? Does every country have its own setting?

With the stock settings, I can only see one satellite after a half hour, and of course never get a lock. Oddly enough, I'm using iGuidance to look at the satellites, and it reboots my phone after that length of time. I don't have any maps for here, but it would help prove your point if I could at least get enough satellites to lock and show my coordinates.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-10-2008, 02:37 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

I met a problem after updating to the official rom version 3.35.651.2 and radio version 3.42.02. The MioMap3.3 program freezes my mogul whenever I specify the protocol and port in its gps settings. It used to work just fine in WM 6.0. IGO8 has a similar problem while TomTom6/7 or Garmin XP works well. Do anyone have a similar problem or know what is going on with the new rom? Thanks for suggestions for fix.
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